This graphic organiser, ‘Alphabet Boxes’ helps students to establish letter/sound correspondence as they think of items that begin with a particular sound and link the two together.
This graphic organiser, ‘Alphabet Boxes for Alphabet Books’ helps students to establish letter/sound correspondence as they link images that begin with a particular sound to letters of the alphabet.
This graphic organiser, ‘Alphabet Soup’ allows students to sort and classify words with the same word patterns.
This graphic organiser, ‘Assonance Express’ helps students to recognise that vowels with the same pattern have the same sound.
This graphic organiser, ‘Ballooning Vowel Pairs’ asks students to compare and explain the difference between words that contain the same vowel sounds, but have different vowel pairs.
This graphic organiser, ‘Ballooning Vowel Pairs for Bartholomew and the Oobleck’ asks students to differentiate between the ‘ew’ and ‘oo’ vowel pairs as they select appropriate words from the book Bartholomew and the Oobleck by Dr Seuss.
This begin to read card set ‘Bb’ supports students’ reading development through practice with words containing the letter ‘b’.
This spelling activity, ‘Beginning Letters’ provides opportunities for practice with recognising initial word blends.
This reading activity, ‘Beginning Letters’ provides opportunities for practice with recognising the letters that some girls names start with.
This reading activity, ‘Beginning Letters’ provides opportunities for practice with recognising the letters that some boys names start with.
This phonics activity, ‘Beginning Sounds’ encourages students to say each pair of words and find the word with the same beginning sound.
This phonics activity, ‘Beginning Sounds’ encourages students to say each word and find the word with the same beginning sound.
This phonics activity, ‘Beginning Sounds’ encourages students to say each word and find the word with the same beginning sound.
This phonics activity, ‘Beginning Sounds Letters’ encourages students to say each word and find the letter/s for the beginning sound.
This phonics activity, ‘Beginning Sounds Letters’ encourages students to say each word and find the letter/s for the beginning sound.
This phonemic awareness activity, ‘Big Bug’ supports language development by encouraging students to practise substituting the medial sound in words using short vowel sounds. It is aimed at developing students’ awareness of sound manipulation by substituting the medial sound. It provides short vowel picture cards and a short vowel word list.
This phonemic awareness activity, ‘Button Slide’ supports language development by encouraging students to practise adding a sound to words to make new words. It is aimed at developing students’ awareness of sound manipulation. It provides button patterns and add-a-sound word lists.
This begin to read card set ‘Cc’ supports students’ reading development through practice with words containing the letter ‘c’.
This phonemic awareness activity, ‘Checkerboard Match’ supports language development by encouraging students to identify pictures that match designated beginning letter sounds. It is aimed at developing students’ awareness of sound matching. It provides a game board and word lists.
This phonemic awareness activity, ‘Clap, Snap, Tap’ supports language development by encouraging students to practise counting syllables with the use of action cards. It is aimed at developing students’ awareness of syllable splitting. It provides action cards and a syllable word chart.
This begin to read card set ‘Dd’ supports students’ reading development through practice with words containing the letter ‘d’.
This phonics activity, ‘End Sounds ‘all’ or ‘ell” encourages students to read each sentence and find the missing word.
This phonics activity, ‘End Sounds’ encourages students to say each word and find the word with the same end sound.
This phonics activity, ‘End Sounds’ encourages students to say each word and find the word with the same end sound.
This phonics activity, ‘End Sounds’ encourages students to say each word and find the letter/s for the end sound.
This phonics activity, ‘End Sounds’ encourages students to say each word and find the letter/s for the end sound.
This phonics activity, ‘End Sounds Names’ encourages students to say each name and find the letter/s for the end sound of the name.
This phonics activity, ‘End Sounds Names’ encourages students to say each name and find the letter/s for the end sound of the name.
This phonics activity, ‘End Sounds Consonants’ encourages students to say the name of each picture, sound it out and select the end sound.
This phonics activity, ‘Ending Sounds’ encourages students to say the name of each picture and find the matching ending sound.
This phonics activity, ‘Ending Sounds’ encourages students to say the name of each picture and find the matching ending sound.
This phonics activity, ‘Ending Sounds Letter’ encourages students to say each word and find the letter/s that make the ending sound.
This phonics activity, ‘Ending Sounds Match’ encourages students to read the sentence and match the word in bold to the same word.
This begin to read card set ‘Ff’ supports students’ reading development through practice with words containing the letter ‘f’.
This phonemic awareness activity, ‘Funny Bunny’ supports language development by encouraging students to create rhyming nonsense words with a designated sound. It is aimed at developing students’ awareness of rhyming. It provides picture cards.
This begin to read card set ‘Gg’ supports students’ reading development through practice with words containing the letter ‘g’.
This phonemic awareness activity, ‘Go Rhyme’ supports language development by encouraging students to recognise rhyming words while playing a card game. It is aimed at developing students’ awareness of rhyming. It provides rhyme picture cards.
This phonemic awareness activity, ‘Hands Up’ supports language development by encouraging students to identify words that do not have the same designated sound. It is aimed at developing students’ awareness of sound matching. It provides direction picture cards and word lists.
This begin to read card set ‘Hh’ supports students’ reading development through practice with words containing the letter ‘h’.
This phonemic awareness activity, ‘Higglety Pigglety Pop’ supports language development by encouraging students to create rhyming patterns to use in a nursery rhyme. It is aimed at developing students’ awareness of rhyming. It provides a nursery rhyme chart and make-a-new-rhyme cards.
This phonemic awareness activity, ‘I Can Say’ supports language development by encouraging students to segment and blend the sounds of a CVC word by using a familiar tune. It is aimed at developing students’ awareness of sound segmentation and sound blending. It provides a song chart and a word family list.
This phonemic awareness activity, ‘I Spy’ supports language development by encouraging students to listen to words pronounced by sounds and respond by saying the words with the sounds blended. It is aimed at developing students’ awareness of sound blending. It provides picture cards.
This phonics activity, ‘Identify the Beginning Sounds’ encourages students to say the word for each picture and find the word below.
This set of flashcards, ‘Initial Consonant Blends’ supports recognition of sound and spelling patterns at the beginnings of words. Repetition with using word families will support children in the development of their reading, vocabulary and word association. Students will learn to identify the common sounds, patterns and letter combinations within each word family. Browse over …More
This set of flashcards, ‘Initial Consonant Blends’ supports recognition of sound and spelling patterns at the beginnings of words. Repetition with using word families will support children in the development of their reading, vocabulary and word association. Students will learn to identify the common sounds, patterns and letter combinations within each word family. Browse over …More
This set of flashcards, ‘Initial Consonant Blends’ supports recognition of sound and spelling patterns at the beginnings of words. Repetition with using word families will support children in the development of their reading, vocabulary and word association. Students will learn to identify the common sounds, patterns and letter combinations within each word family. Browse over …More
This set of flashcards, ‘Initial Consonant Blends’ supports recognition of sound and spelling patterns at the beginnings of words. Repetition with using word families will support children in the development of their reading, vocabulary and word association. Students will learn to identify the common sounds, patterns and letter combinations within each word family. Browse over …More
This phonics activity, ‘Initial Sounds A to L’ encourages students to say each sound and find the picture and word that begin with that sound.
This phonics activity, ‘Initial Sounds A to L’ encourages students to say each sound and find the picture that begins with the same sound.
This phonics activity, ‘Initial Sounds Beginning’ encourages students to read each question and select the word that starts with the correct beginning sound.
This phonics activity, ‘Initial Sounds M to Y’ encourages students to say each sound and find the picture and word that begin with that sound.
This phonics activity, ‘Initial Sounds Match’ encourages students to say each word and match it to a word that has the same beginning sound.
This phonics activity, ‘Initial Sounds Match’ encourages students to say the name of each picture and find the word that starts with the same beginning sound.
This phonics activity, ‘Initial Sounds Match’ encourages students to say the name of each picture and find the word that starts with the same beginning sound.
This phonics activity, ‘Initial Sounds Names’ encourages students to say each name and find the letter/s of the beginning sound of the name.
This phonics activity, ‘Initial Sounds Names’ encourages students to say each name and find the letter/s of the beginning sound of the name.
This phonics activity, ‘Initial Sounds Pictures’ encourages students to say the picture name and find the picture that starts with the same sound.
This begin to read card set ‘Jj’ supports students’ reading development through practice with words containing the letter ‘j’.
This begin to read card set ‘Kk’ supports students’ reading development through practice with words containing the letter ‘k’.
This graphic organiser, ‘Knock Your Socks Off’ asks students to apply their knowledge of homophones and build vocabulary by understanding that words that sound alike can have different spellings and meanings.