Analysing Text
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No. of pages: 8

This analysing text worksheet ‘A Survivor’ supports students to use various strategies to understand a narrative about an injured dog. It is aimed at encouraging students to deconstruct the text in order to gain a deeper understanding of its purpose, to recall specific details from the text and to look critically at words in order …More

History for Kids
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No. of pages: 2

This history article, ‘Animals in History’ features a timeline of famous animals in history. It provides factual information about these animals and is aimed at broadening students’ cultural and historical awareness.

Understanding Text
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No. of pages: 8

This understanding text worksheet, ‘Call Him Lucky’ supports students to use various strategies to understand a narrative about an unwanted dog. It is aimed at encouraging students to deconstruct the text in order to gain a deeper understanding of its purpose, to recall specific details from the text and to look critically at words in …More

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No. of pages: 1

This role-play mask ‘Cat’ is a resource that can be used in a variety of classroom activities. It is a hands-on tool that provides a stimulus to prompt vocabulary and concept development. Use it during class discussions to fuel engagement, or have students use their imaginations to incorporate the mask into other speaking activities. It …More

Available in:
No. of pages: 1

This role-play mask ‘Cat B&W’ is a resource that can be used in a variety of classroom activities. It is a hands-on tool that provides a stimulus to prompt vocabulary and concept development. Use it during class discussions to fuel engagement, or have students use their imaginations to incorporate the mask into other speaking activities. …More

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No. of pages: 2

This learning activity, ‘Dazzler Digs On’, involves finding fractions of a set. Students write number stories to answer a series of questions about a dog called Dazzler and her buried bones. An answer sheet is provided and includes teaching notes with suggestions for supporting learning and further exploration.

Author's Purpose
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No. of pages: 2

This author’s purpose exemplar ‘Dena’s New Puppy’ supports students to identify the author’s purpose for writing a text. It encourages students to look critically at the text in order to ascertain whether the author wrote it to persuade, teach or entertain the reader.

History for Kids
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No. of pages: 2

This hands-on activity, ‘Design and Make Personalised Pet Tags’ shows students how to make pet tags for their dogs, cats or soft toys. It provides step-by-step instructions and is aimed at encouraging students to express themselves creatively in a fun and engaging manner.

Available in:
No. of pages: 1

This role-play mask ‘Dog’ is a resource that can be used in a variety of classroom activities. It is a hands-on tool that provides a stimulus to prompt vocabulary and concept development. Use it during class discussions to fuel engagement, or have students use their imaginations to incorporate the mask into other speaking activities. It …More

Available in:
No. of pages: 1

This role-play mask ‘Dog B&W’ is a resource that can be used in a variety of classroom activities. It is a hands-on tool that provides a stimulus to prompt vocabulary and concept development. Use it during class discussions to fuel engagement, or have students use their imaginations to incorporate the mask into other speaking activities. …More

Content Area Reading
No. of pages: 8

This content area reading activity, ‘Dogs in France’ is an English based reading comprehension exercise encouraging students to learn how to use generalisations.

Available in:
No. of pages: 1

This role-play mask ‘Hamster’ is a resource that can be used in a variety of classroom activities. It is a hands-on tool that provides a stimulus to prompt vocabulary and concept development. Use it during class discussions to fuel engagement, or have students use their imaginations to incorporate the mask into other speaking activities. It …More

Available in:
No. of pages: 1

This role-play mask ‘Hamster B&W’ is a resource that can be used in a variety of classroom activities. It is a hands-on tool that provides a stimulus to prompt vocabulary and concept development. Use it during class discussions to fuel engagement, or have students use their imaginations to incorporate the mask into other speaking activities. …More

Available in:
No. of pages: 1

This role-play mask ‘Horse’ is a resource that can be used in a variety of classroom activities. It is a hands-on tool that provides a stimulus to prompt vocabulary and concept development. Use it during class discussions to fuel engagement, or have students use their imaginations to incorporate the mask into other speaking activities. It …More

Available in:
No. of pages: 1

This role-play mask ‘Horse B&W’ is a resource that can be used in a variety of classroom activities. It is a hands-on tool that provides a stimulus to prompt vocabulary and concept development. Use it during class discussions to fuel engagement, or have students use their imaginations to incorporate the mask into other speaking activities. …More

Writing Task
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No. of pages: 3

This writing task worksheet ‘How to Care for…’ helps students to practise expository writing. It is aimed at encouraging students plan their writing and ask themselves questions to best explain their ideas to the reader using details, examples and their own personal experience. It includes space for students to plan their writing and a checklist …More

Available in:
No. of pages: 1

This role-play mask ‘Mouse’ is a resource that can be used in a variety of classroom activities. It is a hands-on tool that provides a stimulus to prompt vocabulary and concept development. Use it during class discussions to fuel engagement, or have students use their imaginations to incorporate the mask into other speaking activities. It …More

Available in:
No. of pages: 1

This role-play mask ‘Mouse B&W’ is a resource that can be used in a variety of classroom activities. It is a hands-on tool that provides a stimulus to prompt vocabulary and concept development. Use it during class discussions to fuel engagement, or have students use their imaginations to incorporate the mask into other speaking activities. …More

Analysing Text
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No. of pages: 7

This analysing text worksheet ‘Not as Easy as You Think?’ supports students to use various strategies to understand an informational text on keeping fish as pets. It is aimed at encouraging students to deconstruct the text in order to gain a deeper understanding of its purpose, to recall specific details from the text and to …More

Reading Comprehension
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No. of pages: 7

This reading comprehension activity, ‘People and Pets Newsletter’ asks students to answer comprehension questions about keeping pets safe outside during the summer. It is aimed at developing students’ awareness of semantics and encourages them to form opinions, as well as consider the author’s purpose.

Decorative Page Borders
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No. of pages: 2

These Decorative Page Borders, ‘Pets’ are a set of full colour and black and white page borders that can be used in various ways in the classroom such as in wall displays and bulletin boards. They can also be used in student projects or worksheets. Borders can be printed, coloured in and laminated.

Word Study
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No. of pages: 6

This set of flashcards,’Pets’ supports vocabulary development about pets. Topic based flashcards are a great tool for teachers or parents to build a child’s vocabulary and improve word association. Browse over 200+ thematic flashcards and make learning fun!

Bulletin Board Trimmers
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No. of pages: 4

These Bulletin Board Trimmers, ‘Pets’ are a set of narrow bulletin border trimmers for use in classroom displays.

Word Study
Available in:
No. of pages: 6

This set of flashcards,’Pets’ supports vocabulary development about pets. Topic based flashcards are a great tool for teachers or parents to build a child’s vocabulary and improve word association. Browse over 200+ thematic flashcards and make learning fun!

Word Study
Available in:
No. of pages: 3

This set of flashcards,’Pets’ supports vocabulary development about pets. Topic based flashcards are a great tool for teachers or parents to build a child’s vocabulary and improve word association. Browse over 200+ thematic flashcards and make learning fun!

Word Study
Available in:
No. of pages: 2

This set of flashcards,’Pets’ supports vocabulary development about pets. Topic based flashcards are a great tool for teachers or parents to build a child’s vocabulary and improve word association. Browse over 200+ thematic flashcards and make learning fun!

Content Area Reading
No. of pages: 5

This content area reading activity, ‘Pets for Health is a science based reading comprehension exercise encouraging students to practise reading between the lines.

History for Kids
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No. of pages: 7

This history article, ‘Pooches of the Past’ features famous and unusual dogs in history. It provides factual information about these dogs and is aimed at broadening students’ cultural and historical awareness.

Available in:
No. of pages: 1

This role-play mask ‘Rabbit’ is a resource that can be used in a variety of classroom activities. It is a hands-on tool that provides a stimulus to prompt vocabulary and concept development. Use it during class discussions to fuel engagement, or have students use their imaginations to incorporate the mask into other speaking activities. It …More

Available in:
No. of pages: 1

This role-play mask ‘Rabbit B&W’ is a resource that can be used in a variety of classroom activities. It is a hands-on tool that provides a stimulus to prompt vocabulary and concept development. Use it during class discussions to fuel engagement, or have students use their imaginations to incorporate the mask into other speaking activities. …More

Available in:
No. of pages: 1

This role-play mask ‘Rat’ is a resource that can be used in a variety of classroom activities. It is a hands-on tool that provides a stimulus to prompt vocabulary and concept development. Use it during class discussions to fuel engagement, or have students use their imaginations to incorporate the mask into other speaking activities. It …More

Available in:
No. of pages: 1

This role-play mask ‘Rat B&W’ is a resource that can be used in a variety of classroom activities. It is a hands-on tool that provides a stimulus to prompt vocabulary and concept development. Use it during class discussions to fuel engagement, or have students use their imaginations to incorporate the mask into other speaking activities. …More

Available in:
No. of pages: 1

This role-play mask ‘Snake’ is a resource that can be used in a variety of classroom activities. It is a hands-on tool that provides a stimulus to prompt vocabulary and concept development. Use it during class discussions to fuel engagement, or have students use their imaginations to incorporate the mask into other speaking activities. It …More

Available in:
No. of pages: 1

This role-play mask ‘Snake B&W’ is a resource that can be used in a variety of classroom activities. It is a hands-on tool that provides a stimulus to prompt vocabulary and concept development. Use it during class discussions to fuel engagement, or have students use their imaginations to incorporate the mask into other speaking activities. …More

Analysing Text
Available in:
No. of pages: 9

This analysing text worksheet ‘The BIG Switch’ supports students to use various strategies to understand a narrative text about giant pet goldfish. It is aimed at encouraging students to deconstruct the text in order to gain a deeper understanding of its purpose and to recall specific details from the text, as well as draw conclusions …More

History for Kids
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No. of pages: 4

This history article, ‘The Real Winnie the Pooh’ features the real bear that inspired the beloved A.A. Milne character Winnie the Pooh. It includes factual information about the bear’s life and is aimed at broadening students’ cultural and historical awareness.

Analysing Text
Available in:
No. of pages: 7

This analysing text worksheet ‘Training a Puppy’ supports students to use various strategies to understand an informational text that gives steps for puppy training. It is aimed at encouraging students to deconstruct the text in order to gain a deeper understanding of its purpose, to recall specific details from the text, to look critically at …More

Life Science
No. of pages: 1

This life science worksheet, ‘What Do They Need?’ asks students to identify the needs of a range of pets. It supports an understanding of animals.

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