This Editing Task worksheet, ‘A Brilliant Idea’, features a rough draft of a narrative text about two boys who try to solve the problem of carrying heavy textbooks home from school. It encourages students to identify spelling, punctuation, grammar, and usage errors in the text and then to write out a correct version. The purpose …More
This Editing Task worksheet, ‘A Fishing Trip’, features a rough draft of a narrative text about a day-long excursion on a fishing boat. It encourages students to identify capitalisation, punctuation, usage, and word choice errors in the text and then to write out a correct version. The purpose of this task is to develop students’ …More
This Editing Task worksheet, ‘A Football Injury’, features a rough draft of a narrative text about a girl whose knee is hurt during a football game. It encourages students to identify spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure errors in the text and then to write out a correct version. The purpose of this task is …More
This graphic organiser, ‘A Variety of Pen Pal Letters’ supports students in editing and revising their writing, looking at different sentence types to ensure variety in their writing.
This Editing Task worksheet, ‘About a Kitten’, features a rough draft of a narrative text about a stray kitten. It encourages students to identify spelling, punctuation, and capitalisation errors in the text and then to write out a correct version. The purpose of this task is to develop students’ accuracy in written work.
This learning activity, ‘Adding Details’ supports students to revise and improve their writing by adding details.
This graphic organiser, ‘An Animal Spelling Bee’ asks students to identify misspelled words in their animal drafts, making corrections with dictionaries.
This graphic organiser, ‘Ask Me Anything’ provides students with the opportunity to answer questions and evaluate their draft writing.
This graphic organiser, ‘Ask the Animals Anything’ provides students with the opportunity to answer questions and evaluate their animal draft poems.
This graphic organiser, ‘At the Animal Car Wash ‘supports students in editing and revising their writing by developing titles for their animal poems.
This graphic organiser, ‘At the Car Wash’ supports students in editing and revising their writing by developing titles for their poems.
This graphic organiser, ‘At the End of the Rope’ supports students in developing their writing skills, focusing on sentence structure and correct use of punctuation.
This graphic organiser, ‘Capitalising on Chocolate’ supports students in editing and revising their draft letters focusing on correct capitalisation of common and proper nouns.
This graphic organiser, ‘Check It Over’ provides students with the opportunity to evaluate their own writing using a list of class determined standards.
This graphic organiser, ‘Check Over the Careers’ provides students with the opportunity to evaluate their own career writing using a list of class determined standards.
This graphic organiser, ‘ Checkmate’ supports students in editing and revising their peers writing, focusing on consistency of point of view throughout the text.
This graphic organiser, ‘Checkmate for Schools’ supports students in editing and revising their peers’ persuasive writing, focusing on consistency of point of view throughout the text.
This Editing Task worksheet, ‘Cherokee Nation’, features a rough draft of an informational text about the Native American tribes that settled in the southeast. It encourages students to identify spelling, punctuation, grammar, and capitalisation errors in the text and then to write out a correct version. The purpose of this task is to develop students’ …More
This graphic organiser, ‘Comment on My Monster, Please’ supports students in editing and revising their descriptive monster writing through peer review and feedback.
This graphic organiser, ‘Comments, Please’ supports students in editing and revising their descriptive writing through peer review and feedback.
This graphic organiser, ‘Complete My Firsts’ supports students in matching subjects and predicates and then to review their draft writing, focusing on subjects and predicates to ensure complete sentences.
This Writing Traits activity ‘Completeness/Comprehensiveness’ encourages students to edit and revise manuscripts to improve the meaning and focus.
This Writing Traits activity ‘Editing for Punctuation’ encourages students to recognise the importance of using different punctuation and editing written work for correct punctuation.
This Writing Traits activity ‘Editing for Simple and Complex Sentences’ encourages students to vary sentence length in their writing.
This Writing Traits activity ‘Spelling’ encourages students to write frequently misspelled words correctly.
This Writing Traits activity ‘Using Quotations Correctly’ encourages students to recognise how quotations enhance writing and how to correctly punctuate quotations.
This spelling activity, ‘Correct Spelling’ provides opportunities for practice with proofing and correctly identifying correct and misspelt words.
This Editing Task worksheet, ‘Droughts in the United States’, features the rough draft of a report on droughts. It encourages students to identify spelling, punctuation, usage, and sentence structure errors in the text and then to write out a correct version. The purpose of this task is to develop students’ accuracy in written work.
This Editing Task worksheet, ‘Duke the Dog’, features a rough draft of a narrative text about a dog that wants to play. It encourages students to identify capitalisation, spelling, punctuation, grammar, and word choice errors in the text and then to write out a correct version. The purpose of this task is to develop students’ …More
This worksheet ‘Editing Form’ helps students to evaluate each other’s writing. It encourages students to identify areas for improvement.
This worksheet ‘Editing Form’ helps students to evaluate each other’s writing. It encourages students to identify areas for improvement.
Editing Form’ helps students to evaluate each other’s writing. It encourages students to identify areas for improvement.
This quick reference guide, ‘Editing Writing’ explains the process and the importance of editing. Answer sheet provided with file download.
This quick reference guide, ‘Editing Writing’ provides students with guidance as they revise their work and provides an example to proofread. Answer sheet provided with file download.
This quick reference guide, ‘Editing Writing Guide’ supports students as they revise a first draft and provides proofing marks and a sequencing activity. Answer sheet provided with file download.
This quick reference guide, ‘Evaluating Your Own Writing’ supports students to self-assess their writing.
This graphic organiser, ‘Family Puzzle Pieces’ supports students in developing their writing skills and structuring complete sentences about their families.
This Assessment Item, ‘Feedback’ offers guidance for students as they seek feedback on their writing.
This Editing Task worksheet, ‘First Day at University’, features a narrative text about a young woman’s experiences as she starts university. It encourages students to identify spelling, punctuation, capitalisation, and usage errors in the text and then to write out a correct version. The purpose of this task is to develop students’ accuracy in written …More
This graphic organiser, ‘Fixing Family Memories’ supports students in editing and revising their family writing drafts.
This graphic organiser, ‘Focusing on Feedback’ provides students with the opportunity to evaluate their writing through peer review and feedback.
This Editing Task worksheet, ‘Food from Afar’, features an informational text about cargo ships transporting food. It encourages students to identify spelling, capitalisation, punctuation, and usage errors in the text and then to write out a correct version. The purpose of this task is to develop students’ accuracy in written work.
This Editing Task worksheet, ‘Grandma’s Parents’, features a rough draft of a narrative text about a boy’s grandmother discussing how her mother would wait for her father to return from sea. It encourages students to identify spelling, punctuation, grammar, and capitalisation errors in the text and then to write out a correct version. The purpose …More
This Editing Task worksheet, ‘Grown Up’, features a rough draft of a narrative text about a young girl trying to decide on a career. It encourages students to identify spelling, punctuation, and capitalisation errors in the text and then to write out a correct version. The purpose of this task is to develop students’ accuracy …More
This Editing Task worksheet, ‘Hiking and Camping’, features a rough draft of a narrative text about two boys preparing for a weekend in the mountains. It encourages students to identify spelling, punctuation, and word choice errors in the text and then to write out a correct version. The purpose of this task is to develop …More
This worksheet ‘How to Be a Better Writer’ helps guide students to revise their writing work.
This worksheet ‘How to Be a Better Writer’ helps guide students to revise their writing.
How to Be a Better Writer’ helps guide students to revise and improve their writing work.
This graphic organiser, ‘In a Nutshell’ provides students with the opportunity to evaluate their own writing and identify areas for improvement.
This Editing Task worksheet, ‘Larry’s Visit to Manila’, features the rough draft of a story about a family’s holiday in the Philippines. The worksheet encourages students to identify spelling, capitalisation, punctuation, and usage errors in the text and then to write out a correct version. The purpose of this task is to develop students’ accuracy …More
This Editing Task worksheet, ‘Learning Together’, features a rough draft of a narrative text about two classmates who are worried they will get into trouble with their teacher. It encourages students to identify spelling, capitalisation, punctuation, and usage errors in the text and then to write out a correct version. The purpose of this task …More
This graphic organiser, ‘Lending a Hand’ provides students with the opportunity to edit and revise their draft writing through peer review and suggestions.
This graphic organiser, ‘Lending a Hand for Toys’ provides students with the opportunity to edit and revise their draft writing about toys through peer review and suggestions.
This Editing Task worksheet, ‘Let’s Get Organised’, features a rough draft of a narrative text about a woman cleaning out her kitchen cupboards. It encourages students to identify spelling, punctuation, usage, and sentence structure errors in the text and then to write out a correct version. The purpose of this task is to develop students’ …More
This Editing Task worksheet, ‘Letter to a Driving School’, features the rough draft of a letter seeking further information about a new learn-to-drive system. It encourages students to identify spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure errors in the text and then to write out a correct version. The purpose of this task is to develop …More
This graphic organiser, ‘Like a Sore Thumb’ supports students in editing and revising their writing, ensuring that they are staying on topic.
This graphic organiser, ‘Look it Up’ supports students spelling development by comparing misspelled words with their correct spellings.
This graphic organiser, ‘Look it Up with Peers’ supports students spelling development by identifying misspelled words, making corrections with dictionaries.
This graphic organiser, ‘Me in the Early Years’ supports students in editing and revising their autobiographical writing, focusing on conveying feelings and attitudes in their text.
This Editing Task worksheet, ‘Me Too the Horse’, features a rough draft of a narrative text about a friendly horse who finds a new rider. It encourages students to identify spelling, punctuation, and capitalisation errors in the text and then to write out a correct version. The purpose of this task is to develop students’ …More