South African History
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No. of pages: 1

This history timeline, ‘Nelson Mandela’ features important dates and factual background information about the life of one of history’s greatest and most inspirational leaders. This is a great resource for broadening students’ historical and cultural knowledge about South Africa and could be used as a prompt for further discussion or study of South African history.

Reading Comprehension
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No. of pages: 5

The article, ‘Cesar Chavez’ describes the life and work of the Mexican American farm worker who was inspired by great thinkers of the past to fight for the rights of farm workers in America. It provides opportunities for students to practise vocabulary and comprehension skills. Answer sheet provided with file download.

Kids News Activity
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No. of pages: 2

This kids news activity, ‘ Egyptian Leader Backs Off On Strict Controls’ reports on the Arab Spring protests in Egypt and the leader Mohamed Morsi.

Kids News Activity
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No. of pages: 2

This kids news activity, ‘Four Year Old Becomes Mayor Of Small Town’ is about a child selected to be mayor of a small US community.

Famous South African People
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No. of pages: 1

This history poster ‘FW de Klerk’ features important factual background information about this Nobel-Prize winning president and peace-maker who released Nelson Mandela and paved the way to the end of apartheid. This is a great resource for broadening students’ knowledge of significant figures from South African history and could be used as a prompt for …More

Australia's Capital City
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No. of pages: 2

This article, ‘How to Make a New Law’ provides students with detailed factual information about the legislative process in Australia. It explains how there are various groups which make up our democracy who can influence the introduction of new laws, from individual citizens to government bodies. This is a great resource for broadening students’ political …More

Australia's Capital City
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No. of pages: 2

This article, ‘In the House’ provides students with factual information about the House of Representatives. It explains the House of Representatives’ day to day activities along with some key facts and statistics about the building that is the focal point of Australian politics. This is a great resource for broadening students’ political knowledge and interest …More

Famous Irish People
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No. of pages: 1

This history poster ‘Mary Robinson’ features important factual background information about Ireland’s first female President. This is a great resource for broadening students’ knowledge of significant figures from Irish history and could be used as a prompt for further discussion or study of Ireland.

Famous South African People
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No. of pages: 1

This history poster ‘Nelson Mandela’ features important factual background information about this anti-apartheid activist who went from 27 years in prison to being elected South Africa’s first black president. This is a great resource for broadening students’ knowledge of significant figures from South African history and could be used as a prompt for further discussion …More

History for Kids
No. of pages: 4

This history article, ‘Nelson Mandela and the Fight Against Apartheid’ features the highly respected leader Nelson Mandela, who fought tirelessly against apartheid and fought for equal rights for all citizens of South Africa. It provides factual information about the life of Nelson Mandela and apartheid in South Africa, as well as a list of apartheid …More

Australia's Capital City
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No. of pages: 2

This article, ‘Our Democracy’ provides students with detailed factual information about the political system in Australia. It describes Australia’s political structure, from the representative system to the various leading political parties. This is a great resource for broadening student’s political knowledge and could be a useful prompt for further study or discussion of national and …More

Australia's Capital City
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No. of pages: 2

This article, ‘Our Prime Ministers’ provides students with factual information about each of Australia’s former and current Prime Ministers. It profiles each Prime Minister with information such as the dates of their terms in office and key achievements or events during their time leading the country. This is a great resource for broadening students’ historical …More

Famous British People
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No. of pages: 1

This history article, ‘Prime Minister: David Cameron’ features David Cameron, the youngest British prime minister in 198 years. It provides factual information about the life and times of David Cameron, and is aimed at broadening students’ cultural, political and historical awareness.

Famous British People
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No. of pages: 1

This history article, ‘Prime Minister: Margaret Thatcher’ features Margaret Thatcher, the first female British prime minister. It provides factual information about the life and times of Margaret Thatcher, and is aimed at broadening students’ cultural, political and historical awareness.

Famous British People
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No. of pages: 1

This history article, ‘Prime Minister: Sir Robert Peel’ features Robert Peel, who founded the London police force. It provides factual information about the life and times of Sir Robert Peel, and is aimed at broadening students’ cultural, political and historical awareness.

Famous British People
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No. of pages: 1

This history article, ‘Prime Minister: Sir Winston Churchill’ features Winston Churchill, the courageous British prime minister who led Great Britain during World War II. It provides factual information about the life and times of Sir Winston Churchill, and is aimed at broadening students’ cultural, political and historical awareness.

Famous British People
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No. of pages: 1

This history article, ‘Prime Minister: William Pitt the Elder’ features William Pitt, whose nickname was the ‘Great Commoner’. It provides factual information about the life and times of William Pitt the Elder, and is aimed at broadening students’ cultural, political and historical awareness.

Famous British People
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No. of pages: 1

This history article, ‘Prime Minister: William Pitt the Younger’ features William Pitt, who was Britain’s youngest ever prime minister. It provides factual information about the life and times of William Pitt the Younger, and is aimed at broadening students’ cultural, political and historical awareness.

South African History
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No. of pages: 2

This history article, ‘Rainbow Nation’ features the essence of the new South Africa following the democratic elections of 1994, which marked the official end of apartheid. It provides factual information about South Africa’s multicultural society, official languages and flag, along with a glossary of unfamiliar words and terms from the text. It is aimed at …More

Australia's Capital City
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No. of pages: 1

This article, ‘Top Job – Prime Minister’ provides students with factual information about the role of the Australian Prime Minister. It includes some key facts and statistics about some of Australia’s past Prime Ministers along with details about the Australian electoral system. This is a great resource for developing students’ political knowledge and interest both …More

History for Kids
No. of pages: 4

This history article, ‘Voting for Girl Power’ features the women’s suffrage movement and the fight to achieve voting rights for women. It provides factual information about early women’s rights, as well as a fun flag match activity. It also has a glossary of unfamiliar words and terms from the text and is aimed at broadening …More

Writing Prompt
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No. of pages: 1

This fun and engaging worksheet ‘Mary McAleese or Mary Aikenhead’, uses the popular Would You Rather game as a writing prompt for students to consider which of these two iconic Irish women they would rather be and why. It is aimed at broadening students’ awareness of the symbols and icons associated with Irish culture and …More

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