Celebrations and Festivals
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No. of pages: 1

This worksheet, ‘5Ws and How of Chinese New Year’ provides a structured diagram that helps students identify the who, what, when, where, why and how of Chinese New Year traditions. It is a great visual graphic that can be used as a comprehension activity and to generate meaningful class discussion.

Celebrations and Festivals
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No. of pages: 1

This worksheet, ‘Acrostic Poem of Chinese Celebrations’ is a fantastic quick activity to brainstorm facts about Chinese New Year traditions. It is a fun and engaging activity that can be used without preparation and across all age groups and abilities. Students are required to use the letters from the word ‘Celebrations’ to list facts that …More

Art Project
No. of pages: 2

This art project ‘African Dumbek Drum’ enables students to create African drums. It is aimed at developing students’ awareness of basic artistic procedures. It provides a list of materials, easy-to-follow step-by-step art instructions and a list of recommended art books.

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No. of pages: 1

This short nonfiction text, ‘C: Celtic Cross’ features important factual background information about these ancient stone crosses that have become Icons of Ireland. It is aimed at broadening students’ awareness of the symbols and icons associated with Irish culture and also features an activity for students to practise their handwriting.

Celebrations and Festivals
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No. of pages: 1

This worksheet, ‘Chinese New Year Crossword’ provides students with the opportunity to use skills including vocabulary, reasoning and spelling to find the correct Chinese New Year words to complete the puzzle. It encourages students to identify and understand the terms being used, to build on their vocabulary of key words used during Chinese New Year. …More

Celebrations and Festivals
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No. of pages: 1

This worksheet, ‘Chinese New Year Decorations’ allows students to graphically organise their research about three typical types of Chinese New Year decorations. This simple resource requires the collection of relevant information and provides room for illustrations. It can be used as an individual task, in pairs or as a foundation for whole class discussions.

Celebrations and Festivals
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No. of pages: 1

This worksheet, ‘Chinese New Year Unscramble’ is a great activity that encourages students to study the sounds and spellings of words associated with Chinese New Year. Students will be challenged to unscramble the letters to find common words used during Chinese New Year celebrations. An answer sheet is also provided.

Celebrations and Festivals
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No. of pages: 1

This worksheet, ‘Chinese New Year Word Search’ gives students the opportunity to learn new vocabulary and improve their spelling of words associated with Chinese New Year. Students must scrutinise the spelling of each word on their list, ensuring new vocabulary is committed to memory with the correct spelling.

Celebrations and Festivals
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No. of pages: 1

This worksheet, ‘Chinese Zodiac Signs’ allows students to graphically organise their research about three Chinese Zodiac signs. This simple resource requires the collection of relevant information including the zodiac animal, the years that correspond to that zodiac sign and the personality traits attached to people born in those zodiac years. It can be used as …More

Content Area Reading
No. of pages: 2

This graphic organiser, ‘Classifying Categories’ helps students to write information about art in their own words.

Art Project
No. of pages: 1

This art project ‘Coffee Can Drum’ enables students to make drums out of coffee cans. It is aimed at developing students’ awareness of basic artistic procedures. It provides a list of materials, easy-to-follow step-by-step art instructions and a list of recommended art books.

Art Project
No. of pages: 3

This art project ‘Colourful Paper Masks’ enables students to create masks from paper and other commonplace materials. It is aimed at developing students’ awareness of basic artistic procedures. It provides a list of materials, easy-to-follow step-by-step art instructions and a list of recommended art books.

Art Project
No. of pages: 2

This art project ‘Didgeridoos’ enables students to create Australian Aboriginal didgeridoos. It is aimed at developing students’ awareness of basic artistic procedures. It provides a list of materials, easy-to-follow step-by-step art instructions and a recommended art book.

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No. of pages: 1

This short nonfiction text, ‘F: Fiddle’ features important factual background information about this traditional Irish instrument, which is synonymous with Irish folk music. It is aimed at broadening students’ awareness of the symbols and icons associated with Irish culture and also features an activity for students to practise their handwriting.

Reading Comprehension
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No. of pages: 6

The article, ‘Fireworks’ gives a brief history of fireworks then explains how they are made and how different effects are created. A poster advertises a fireworks show. It provides opportunities for students to practise vocabulary and comprehension skills. Answer sheet provided with file download.

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No. of pages: 1

This short nonfiction text, ‘I: Irish Dancing’ features important factual background information about this traditional form of step dancing that is popular around the world. It is aimed at broadening students’ awareness of the symbols and icons associated with Irish culture and also features an activity for students to practise their handwriting.

Irish History
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No. of pages: 1

This history article, ‘Irish Dancing’ features the traditional dance style unique to Ireland and it’s rise to the global stage in modern times thanks to Michael Flatley. In provides factual information about Irish dancing, along with a glossary of unfamiliar words and terms from the text. It is aimed at broadening students’ cultural and historical …More

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No. of pages: 2

This hands-on activity, ‘Make Your Own Castanets’ provides step-by-step instructions for students to follow in the classroom or at home. This resource directs students through the process of making castanets using household items and craft materials. It is aimed at developing students’ awareness of simple procedures and the basic elements of the castanets. It provides …More

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No. of pages: 2

This hands-on activity, ‘Make Your Own Rain Stick’ provides step-by-step instructions for students to follow in the classroom or at home. This resource directs students through the process of making a simple rain stick using household items and craft materials. It is aimed at developing students’ awareness of simple procedures and the basic construct of …More

Celebrations and Festivals
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No. of pages: 1

This worksheet, ‘My Chinese New Year’ is a great writing prompt that encourages students to write freely using their own creative ideas. Some students may find it difficult to motivate themselves to write creatively, with this writing prompt they have enough freedom to explore their own ideas, encouraging all students to write.

South Africa
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No. of pages: 1

This short nonfiction text ‘N: Ndebele’ features important factual background information relating to the homes and arts and crafts of the Ndebele people. It is aimed at broadening students’ awareness of the unique and beautiful crafts that are produced by South Africa’s diverse ethnic groups and also features an activity for students to practise their …More

Art Project
No. of pages: 2

This art project ‘Painting on Seashells’ enables students to create seascape paintings on seashells. It is aimed at developing students’ awareness of basic artistic procedures. It provides a list of materials, easy-to-follow step-by-step art instructions and a list of recommended art books.

Art Project
No. of pages: 2

This art project ‘Paper Bag or Fabric Poncho’ enables students to create ponchos from paper bags or fabric. It is aimed at developing students’ awareness of basic artistic procedures. It provides a list of materials, easy-to-follow step-by-step art instructions and a list of recommended art books.

Art Project
No. of pages: 3

This art project ‘Papier Mache Masks’ enables students to create papier mache masks. It is aimed at developing students’ awareness of basic artistic procedures. It provides a list of materials, easy-to-follow step-by-step art instructions and a list of recommended art books.

Oral Language Photo Activity
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No. of pages: 1

This oral language photo activity ‘Harp’, enhances vocabulary and concept development by providing a thought-provoking visual stimulus that can be used as a prompt to engage students in discussion. Each photo is complete with an accompanying lesson plan featuring tips and activities to develop oral language and vocabulary further.

Oral Language Photo Activity
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No. of pages: 1

This oral language photo activity ‘Irish Dancing’, enhances vocabulary and concept development by providing a thought-provoking visual stimulus that can be used as a prompt to engage students in discussion. Each photo is complete with an accompanying lesson plan featuring tips and activities to develop oral language and vocabulary further.

South Africa
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No. of pages: 1

This short nonfiction text ‘R: Rock Art’ features important factual background information relating to the rock art of the San people. It is aimed at broadening students’ awareness of the traditional artwork and symbols of the people that make up South Africa’s diverse population and also features an activity for students to practise their handwriting.

Art Project
No. of pages: 2

This art project ‘Rainsticks’ enables students to create rainsticks using household materials. It is aimed at developing students’ awareness of basic artistic procedures. It provides a list of materials, easy-to-follow step-by-step art instructions, a diagram and a list of recommended art books.

Comprehension and Critical Thinking
No. of pages: 9

This reading comprehension activity ‘Remembering Their Journey’, asks students to answer comprehension questions on a text about the Museum of African American History.

South African History
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No. of pages: 1

This history article ‘South African Music’ features important factual background information about the objects and symbols of tradition South African music. It identifies the drum, rattle, mbira and vuvuzela as iconic musical instruments, which are still played in South Africa today. It is aimed at broadening students’ historical and cultural awareness and could be used …More

Reading Comprehension
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No. of pages: 5

In this story, ‘Butterfly Kite’, a young girl mends a broken kite that she found in her family’s rice field. She is rewarded by a beautiful princess. It provides opportunities for students to practise vocabulary and comprehension skills. Answer sheet provided with file download.

Readers Theatre
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No. of pages: 5

This Readers Theatre activity, ‘The Charreada’ encourages students to summarise and paraphrase information in texts. It also builds reading fluency. This activity includes a script for 5 readers.

Celebrating National Days
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No. of pages: 1

This worksheet, ‘The Dreaming’ assists students to identify the relationship between the umbrella concept of the Dreaming and related rituals, stories, and other traditions. For example, students can use this graphical scaffold to provide evidence of their learning following the completion of an activity or topic. Alternatively, it can be used effectively in pairs or …More

Celebrating National Days
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No. of pages: 1

This worksheet, ‘The Dreaming’ provides a blank diagram where the trunk represents the central concept of the Dreaming and the branches can be used to brainstorm related elements. This is a great way to introduce the topic of Aboriginal beliefs or as an informal method of assessment to consolidate learning. Using this diagram to organise …More

Comprehension and Critical Thinking
No. of pages: 4

This reading comprehension activity, ‘The Sound of Old Music’, asks students to answer comprehension questions on a text about ancient flutes discovered in China.

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No. of pages: 3

This factual article ‘Traditional African Music’ features important and interesting information about different styles of traditional African music. This resource is easy to read and provides a brief outline of the different types of music found in a couple of the various regions of Africa. It also briefly describes instruments important to African music such …More

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No. of pages: 2

This factual article ‘Traditional Japanese Music’ features important and interesting information about different styles of traditional Japanese music. This resource is easy to read and provides a brief outline of some of the most influential styles of music from Gagaku, the music that was performed in Royal courts, to Minyou, the folk music sung as …More

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No. of pages: 2

This factual article ‘Traditional Mexican Music’ features important and interesting information about different styles of traditional Mexican music. This resource is easy to read and provides a brief outline of some of the most influential styles of music such as mariachi, ranchera and norteno music. It is aimed at broadening students’ historical and cultural awareness …More

Art Project
No. of pages: 1

This art project ‘Wool Painting’ enables students to create wool art using scraps of wool and glue. It is aimed at developing students’ awareness of basic artistic procedures. It provides a list of materials, easy-to-follow step-by-step art instructions and a list of recommended art books.

Writing Prompt
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No. of pages: 1

This fun and engaging worksheet ‘Modern Art or Ancient Art’, uses the popular Would You Rather game as a writing prompt for students to consider which of these two South African art forms they would rather be and why. It is aimed at broadening students’ awareness of the symbols and icons associated with South African …More

South African History
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No. of pages: 1

This history article ‘Zulu’ features important factual background information about the objects and symbols of this South African ethnic group. It identifies Zulu shields, homesteads, beadwork and chiefs as icons of Zulu culture, which is still alive in South Africa today. It is aimed at broadening students’ historical and cultural awareness and could be used …More

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No. of pages: 2

This hands-on activity, ‘Make Your Own Maraca’ provides step-by-step instructions for students to follow in the classroom or at home. This resource directs students through the process of making a maraca using household items and craft materials. It is aimed at developing students’ awareness of simple artistic procedures and the basic elements of a maraca. …More

Available in:
No. of pages: 4

This factual article ‘Traditional Chinese Music’ features important and interesting information about different styles of traditional Chinese music. This resource is easy to read and provides a brief outline of some of the most influential styles of music across the dynasties from the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties to today. It is aimed at broadening …More

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