No. of pages: 3

This graphic organiser, ‘A Bounty of Chocolate’ supports students in planning writing by brainstorming a list of chocolate companies that they could write to for information.

No. of pages: 2

This graphic organiser, ‘A Burst of Ideas’ supports students in planning writing using brainstorming prewriting strategies for descriptive writing pieces.

No. of pages: 3

This graphic organiser, ‘A Burst of Ideas on Food’ supports students in planning writing using brainstorming prewriting strategies for descriptive writing about food.

Analysing Text
Available in:
No. of pages: 5

This analysing text worksheet ‘A Daring Feat’ supports students to use various strategies to understand a narrative about magic tricks. It is aimed at encouraging students to recall specific details from the text as well as draw conclusions about the text as a whole in order to answer questions about it. Answer sheet provided with …More

No. of pages: 2

This graphic organiser, ‘A Movie About Me’ supports students in planning autobiographical writing using prewriting strategies.

No. of pages: 3

This graphic organiser, ‘A Movie About My Firsts’ supports students in planning writing using prewriting strategies, writing about their first time doing things.

No. of pages: 2

This graphic organiser, ‘A Slice of the Pie’ supports students in planning writing using prewriting strategies to structure ideas for a friendly letter.

No. of pages: 3

This graphic organiser, ‘A Treasure Hunt with Peers’ supports students in planning writing using brainstorming as a prewriting strategy.

No. of pages: 2

This graphic organiser, ‘A Variety of Pen Pal Letters’ supports students in editing and revising their writing, looking at different sentence types to ensure variety in their writing.

No. of pages: 3

This graphic organiser, ‘A Web of Animal Information’ supports students in planning writing by brainstorming animals that could be used in informational writing.

No. of pages: 2

This graphic organiser, ‘A Web of Information’ supports students in planning writing through brainstorming topics for informational writing.

Writing Organiser
No. of pages: 1

This writing organiser ‘Advertisements’ supports students to plan for writing an advertisement.

Content Area Reading
No. of pages: 5

This content area reading activity, ‘All About Magnets’ is a science based reading comprehension exercise encouraging students to understand the nature of a summary.

No. of pages: 2

This graphic organiser, ‘Along the Way’ supports students in recalling and organising information in sequential order and gives them the opportunity to draft a narrative text.

No. of pages: 3

This graphic organiser, ‘Along the Way to Family Memories’ supports students in recalling and organising information in sequential order and gives them the opportunity to draft a piece of writing based on family memories.

No. of pages: 1

This graphic organiser, ‘Analysing Characters’ supports the teaching of reading and writing by prompting students to explore how and why a character behaves in a story.

No. of pages: 1

This graphic organiser, ‘Analysing Descriptive Language’ supports the teaching of reading and writing by prompting students to record descriptive details as they read or write.

Analysing Text
Available in:
No. of pages: 5

This analysing text worksheet ‘Animal Acts’ supports students to use various strategies to understand a narrative text about circus animals. It is aimed at encouraging students to deconstruct the text in order to gain a deeper understanding of its purpose, to recall specific details from the text and to look critically at words in order …More

No. of pages: 3

This graphic organiser, ‘Animals in Motion’ supports students in creating poems about animals by combining rhyming words and sentences.

No. of pages: 2

This graphic organiser, ‘Ask Me Anything’ provides students with the opportunity to answer questions and evaluate their draft writing.

No. of pages: 3

This graphic organiser, ‘Ask the Animals Anything’ provides students with the opportunity to answer questions and evaluate their animal draft poems.

No. of pages: 1

This graphic organiser, ‘Asking Questions’ supports the teaching of reading and writing by giving students a template for recording their questions about a topics as they read or plan for writing.

No. of pages: 1

This graphic organiser, ‘Asking Questions’ supports the teaching of reading and writing skills by providing students with a template for asking questions and locating information.

No. of pages: 2

This graphic organiser, ‘At the Animal Car Wash ‘supports students in editing and revising their writing by developing titles for their animal poems.

No. of pages: 2

This graphic organiser, ‘At the Car Wash’ supports students in editing and revising their writing by developing titles for their poems.

No. of pages: 2

This graphic organiser, ‘At the End of the Rope’ supports students in developing their writing skills, focusing on sentence structure and correct use of punctuation.

No. of pages: 3

This graphic organiser, ‘At the End of the Science Rope’ supports students in developing skills in science writing, focusing on sentence structure and correct use of punctuation.

Content Area Reading
No. of pages: 2

This content area reading learning activity, ‘Author on Trial,’ helps students understand that there are often different ways to look at a concept. It has students evaluate a text to determine whether the author created a balanced opinion.

Content Area Reading
No. of pages: 2

This content area reading learning activity, ‘Author’s Meaning,’ helps students interpret the author’s meaning. It has students discuss information from the text that is implied but not directly stated and write two clues they used to make that inference.

Sample Paragraph
No. of pages: 1

This writing prompt exemplar, ‘Best Birthday Present’ provides a writing model for the students. It encourages students to think about the best birthday present they ever received and is aimed at broadening students’ writing and language skills.

Sample Paragraph
No. of pages: 1

This writing prompt exemplar, ‘Best-Loved Toys’ provides a writing model for the students. It encourages students to think about their favourite toy and is aimed at broadening students’ writing and language skills.

Analysing Text
Available in:
No. of pages: 6

This analysing text worksheet ‘Betsy’s Birthday Pony’ supports students to use various strategies to understand a narrative text about a girl who wants a pony. It is aimed at encouraging students to recall specific details from the text and to look critically at words in order to ascertain their particular meaning in context, as well …More

Content Area Reading
No. of pages: 2

This content area reading learning activity, ‘Biased and Non-Biased Storytelling,’ helps students identify bias in texts. It is aimed at teaching students the importance of using reasonable, rational language and examples when presenting information in order to prove their credibility as writers.

Writing Organiser
No. of pages: 1

This writing organiser ‘Biographies’ supports students to plan for writing a text that tells about another person’s life.

Content Area Reading
No. of pages: 2

This content area reading learning activity, ‘Biography,’ helps students develop an understanding of the author’s point of view using context. It is aimed at showing students how the author’s life affects his or her ideas and viewpoints that they encountered in the text.

No. of pages: 2

This graphic organiser, ‘Bounty of Businesses’ supports students in planning writing by brainstorming a list of companies that they could write to for information

No. of pages: 2

This graphic organiser, ‘Bugging Around’ encourages students to write rough drafts of biographies.

No. of pages: 3

This graphic organiser, ‘Bugging Around for My Peer’s Biography’ encourages students to write a short biography about a peer, focusing on paragraph and sentence structure.

No. of pages: 2

This graphic organiser, ‘Building A Letter’ supports students in planning and structuring a friendly letter.

No. of pages: 3

This graphic organiser, ‘Building a Pen Pal Letter’ supports students in planning and structuring a friendly letter to a pen pal.

Content Area Reading
No. of pages: 3

This content area reading learning activity, ‘Building Prior Knowledge,’ helps students learn to discriminate fact from opinion. It teaches students about key words that signal opinion through mini-lessons.

Writing Text
Available in:
No. of pages: 1

This quick reference chart ‘Capitalisation’ explains how and when to use capital letters when writing. It introduces students to the mechanics of this area and includes a list of examples where capital letters should be used.

Writing Text
Available in:
No. of pages: 2

This quick reference chart ‘Capitalisation’ explains how to use capital letters in writing. It introduces students to the mechanics of this area and includes a list of examples where capital letters should be used.

Writing Text
Available in:
No. of pages: 4

This quick reference chart ‘Capitalisation, Spelling, and Punctuation’ explains how to correctly use these elements in writing and what to look for when you revise. It introduces students to the principles of writing mechanics and includes examples of how to use capital letters for emphasis, how to ‘best guess’ the spelling of unfamiliar words and …More

Content Area Reading
No. of pages: 2

This graphic organiser, ‘Category Cars’ allows students to sort rocks into various categories.

No. of pages: 2

This graphic organiser, ‘Check It Over’ provides students with the opportunity to evaluate their own writing using a list of class determined standards.

No. of pages: 3

This graphic organiser, ‘Check Over the Careers’ provides students with the opportunity to evaluate their own career writing using a list of class determined standards.

Writing Text
Available in:
No. of pages: 2

This quick reference chart ‘Checklist’ shows students what to look for when they revise their writing. It is aimed at encouraging students to review the content, organisation, sentence construction, usage and mechanics in their writing to make their composition the best it can be.

No. of pages: 2

This graphic organiser, ‘ Checkmate’ supports students in editing and revising their peers writing, focusing on consistency of point of view throughout the text.

No. of pages: 3

This graphic organiser, ‘Checkmate for Schools’ supports students in editing and revising their peers’ persuasive writing, focusing on consistency of point of view throughout the text.

No. of pages: 3

This graphic organiser, ‘Climbing the Career Ladder’ supports students in organising and structuring their career writing before completing their expository drafts.

Graphic Organisers
No. of pages: 1

This graphic organiser, ‘Cluster Web’ helps students to organise what they know or find out about a topic. It encourages students to think about the main topic and its supporting ideas.

No. of pages: 3

This graphic organiser, ‘Comment on My Monster, Please’ supports students in editing and revising their descriptive monster writing through peer review and feedback.

No. of pages: 2

This graphic organiser, ‘Comments, Please’ supports students in editing and revising their descriptive writing through peer review and feedback.

No. of pages: 1

This graphic organiser, ‘Compare and Contrast: Making Generalisations’ supports the teaching of comprehension, reading strategies and the writing process by providing a template students can use to record information and thinking.

No. of pages: 2

This graphic organiser, ‘Complete Me’ asks students to identify the subject and predicates within sentences.

No. of pages: 3

This graphic organiser, ‘Complete My Firsts’ supports students in matching subjects and predicates and then to review their draft writing, focusing on subjects and predicates to ensure complete sentences.

Writing Traits
Available in: , ,
No. of pages: 5

This Writing Traits activity ‘Capitalising Properly’ encourages students to use appropriate capitalisation in their writing.

Writing Traits
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No. of pages: 3

This Writing Traits activity ‘Capitals’ encourages students to properly use capital letters in writing.

Writing Traits
No. of pages: 4

This Writing Traits activity ‘Completeness/Comprehensiveness’ encourages students to edit and revise manuscripts to improve the meaning and focus.

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