Maths and Technology
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No. of pages: 3

Resistors are small, multi-coloured electrical components that are found everywhere – but what do the colours mean? In the activity, ‘Colour Coding’ students use their number skills to crack the colour codes. This activity includes comprehensive teaching notes to be read before beginning the activity with students, as they feature useful background information and suggestions …More

Maths and Technology
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No. of pages: 2

The maths activity, ‘Nifty Networks’ shows how prime numbers and their factors can be arranged in a network. Students use their number knowledge to solve the network puzzle. This activity includes comprehensive teaching notes to be read before beginning the activity with students, as they feature useful background information and suggestions for supporting learning. An …More

Maths and Technology
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No. of pages: 3

The maths activity, ‘Prime Networks’ shows how prime numbers and their factors can be arranged in a network. Students use their number knowledge to solve the prime number puzzle, and to create a puzzle for a classmate. This activity includes comprehensive teaching notes to be read before beginning the activity with students, as they feature …More

No. of pages: 1

This maths template, ’10×10 Grids’ can be reproduced for classroom use.

Place Value
No. of pages: 2

This maths template, ‘Abacus Place Value’ can be reproduced for classroom use.

Number and Numerical Operations
No. of pages: 5

This number and numerical operations worksheet, ‘Appropriateness of Estimation’ explores the application of estimations and exact answers. Answer sheet provided with file download.

Maths Activities
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No. of pages: 4

This maths activity, ‘Back to Order’ develops basic maths skills by encouraging students to practise counting and place value as part of a sequencing game played as a class. It includes a set of number cards from 1-30.

Available in:
No. of pages: 1

This maths manipulative, ‘Base 10 Blocks’ can be reproduced for classroom use.

Place Value
No. of pages: 1

This place value template, ‘Base-Ten Block Patterns’ can be reproduced for classroom use.

Place Value
No. of pages: 1

This place value template, ‘Base-Ten Block Patterns 1’ can be reproduced for classroom use.

Place Value
No. of pages: 1

This place value template, ‘Base-Ten Block Patterns 2’ can be reproduced for classroom use.

Maths Activities
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No. of pages: 3

This maths activity, ‘Beat That!’ develops basic maths skills by encouraging students to practise addition and place value, as part of a game played in pairs with a dice. It includes six-sided numeral and dot dice templates, and a Beat That! score card, which students use to score their totals, then order them from highest …More

Maths Activities
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No. of pages: 2

These maths activities, ‘Before and After’ and ‘Muddled Numbers’ develop basic maths skills by encouraging students to practise place value, as part of a game played in pairs with a caterpillar templates provided.

Maths Activities
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No. of pages: 1

This maths activity, ‘Builder’s Paradise’ develops basic maths skills by encouraging students to practise place value as part of a game played in pairs with playing cards.

Maths Activities
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No. of pages: 4

This maths activity, ‘Collect 10’ develops basic maths skills by encouraging students to practise place value, as part of a game played in pairs with a dice and counters. It includes six-sided numeral and dot dice templates, a 10-sided dot dice template and a page of counters that can be distributed to players.

Number and Operations
No. of pages: 1

This number and operations worksheet, ‘Compare the Value of Places’ allows for practice with basic inequalities. Answer sheet provided with file download.

Number and Numerical Operations
No. of pages: 5

This number and numerical operations worksheet, ‘Comparing and Ordering’ allows for practice comparing and ordering numbers. Answer sheet provided with file download.

Number and Numerical Operations
No. of pages: 6

This number and numerical operations worksheet, ‘Comparing and Ordering’ allows for practice comparing and ordering numbers. Answer sheet provided with file download.

Number and Numerical Operations
No. of pages: 5

This number and numerical operations worksheet, ‘Comparing and Ordering Numbers’ allows for practice with comparing and ordering numbers. Answer sheet provided with file download.

Maths Activities
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No. of pages: 1

This maths activity, ‘Comparing Hundreds’ develops basic maths skills by encouraging students to practise using three-digit numbers as part of an engaging game played as a class.

Number and Numerical Operations
No. of pages: 5

This number and numerical operations worksheet, ‘Comparing Numbers’ allows for practice demonstrating the relative magnitudes of numbers. Answer sheet provided with file download.

Number and Numerical Operations
No. of pages: 5

This number and numerical operations worksheet, ‘Concrete and Pictorial Numbers’ allows for practice with fractions and place value. Answer sheet provided with file download.

No. of pages: 1

This maths template, ‘Decimal Place Value’ can be reproduced for classroom use.

Maths Activities
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No. of pages: 3

This maths activity, ‘Digit Draw’ develops basic maths skills by encouraging students to practise place value using three-digit numbers in a competitive game played in teams. It includes a place value chart and number cards from 1-9 to be distributed to each team.

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No. of pages: 3

Using digit number cards from a copymaster, students use this learning activity, ‘Digit Time’ to increase their understanding of how place value operates. An answer sheet is provided and includes accompanying teaching notes with suggestions for supporting learning and further exploration.

Maths Activities
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No. of pages: 3

This maths activity, ‘Dot and Number Match’ develops basic maths skills by encouraging students to practise number recognition and counting as part of a game played as a class. It includes a set of number cards from 1-10 as well as blank cards on which the teacher can create their own dot patterns.

Number Sense
No. of pages: 1

This number sense worksheet, ‘Equivalent Whole Numbers’ allows for practice identifying and generating equivalent forms of numbers. Answer sheet provided with file download.

Number and Numerical Operations
No. of pages: 5

This number and numerical operations worksheet, ‘Estimation Strategies’ introduces different strategies for estimation. Answer sheet provided with file download.

Available in:
No. of pages: 3

Thankfully, the fun game ‘First to the Draw’ uses cards with digits and decimals rather than guns! Students draw number cards and must use place values to be the first with the correct answer. This activity includes comprehensive teaching notes to be read before beginning the activity with students, as they feature useful background information …More

Maths Activities
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No. of pages: 2

This maths activity, ‘Forwards Count, Backwards Count’ develops basic maths skills by encouraging students to practise counting as part of a game played as a class. It includes a hundreds chart template and counters to be distributed to students.

Place Value
No. of pages: 2

This place value learning activity, ‘Four Digit Numbers’ asks students to practise with place value.

Available in:
No. of pages: 3

Students use this learning activity, ‘Going Up’ to play two games. In one game, they use the cards to number the floors of a skyscraper. In the other game, they take turns making numbers to reach 100. An answer sheet is provided and includes accompanying teaching notes with suggestions for supporting learning and further exploration.

Number and Operations
No. of pages: 2

This number and operations worksheet, ‘Greater than, Less than…’ allows for practice determining the magnitude of numbers. Answer sheet provided with file download.

Maths Activities
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No. of pages: 1

This maths activity, ‘Guess My Number’ develops basic maths skills by encouraging students to ask questions until they guess each other’s number. This game is played in pairs with a calculator.

Available in:
No. of pages: 4

On this learning activity, ‘Happy Hundreds’ students look for missing tiles from a hundreds board to identify and explain a pattern. Using tiles from the board, they find missing pieces in a puzzle. This learning activity also has activities for using a calculator to make more hundreds patterns. An answer sheet is provided and includes …More

Maths Activities
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No. of pages: 2

This maths activity, ‘Higher, Lower Addition Sort’ develops basic maths skills by encouraging students to practise place value, as part of a game played in small groups with dominoes. It includes a higher, lower template to be distributed to students.

Number and Operations
No. of pages: 2

This number and operations worksheet, ‘Highest and the Lowest’ allows for practice comparing the magnitude of numbers. Answer sheet provided with file download.

Maths Activities
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No. of pages: 3

This maths activity, ‘How Many to 100?’ develops basic maths skills by encouraging students to practise place value, as part of a game played in pairs. It includes a hundreds chart and six-sided dot and numeral dice templates to be distributed to the class.

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No. of pages: 1

This learning activity, ‘How Old?’, uses students’ knowledge of “-teen” and “-ty” numbers. Students complete a table showing numbers as words and as numerals and splitting the numbers into tens and ones. An answer sheet is provided and includes teaching notes with suggestions for supporting learning and further exploration.

Maths Activities
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No. of pages: 3

This maths activity, ‘Human Number Line’ develops basic maths skills by encouraging students to practise counting in ascending and descending order, and in odds and evens, as part of a game played as a class. It includes a set of numeral cards from 1-20.

Place Value
No. of pages: 1

This place value worksheet, ‘Hundreds, Tens and Ones’ asks students to practise with place value.

Maths Activities
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No. of pages: 1

This maths activity, ‘I’m Thinking of a Number’ develops basic maths skills by encouraging students to practise addition and subtraction as part of a game. It includes a hundreds chart template to be distributed to the class.

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No. of pages: 2

Students use place value blocks and an abacus with this learning activity, ‘Important Places’. They learn how understanding place value helps when calculating numbers. An answer sheet is provided and includes accompanying teaching notes with suggestions for supporting learning and further exploration.

Number and Numerical Operations
No. of pages: 3

This number and numerical operations worksheet, ‘Magnitude’ reinforces the difference in magnitude between numbers. Answer sheet provided with file download.

Number and Numerical Operations
No. of pages: 3

This number and numerical operations worksheet, ‘Magnitude of Numbers’ reinforces the difference in magnitude between numbers. Answer sheet provided with file download.

Number and Numerical Operations
No. of pages: 5

This number and numerical operations worksheet, ‘Magnitude of Numbers’ reinforces the difference in magnitude between numbers. Answer sheet provided with file download.

Available in:
No. of pages: 2

This learning activity, ‘Mighty Marty!’, presents equations involving multiples of 10, 100, and 1 000. Students see how their knowledge of addition basic facts can help them solve problems with much larger numbers. An answer sheet is provided and includes teaching notes with suggestions for supporting learning and further exploration.

Maths Activities
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No. of pages: 2

This maths activity, ‘Missing Numbers’ develops basic maths skills by encouraging students to practise place value, as part of a game played in pairs with caterpillar templates provided.

Maths Activities
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No. of pages: 1

This maths activity, ‘Musical Numbers’ develops basic maths skills by encouraging students to practise identifying seven-digit numbers as part of an engaging game played as a class.

Maths Activities
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No. of pages: 4

This maths activity, ‘Number Card Order’ develops basic maths skills by encouraging students to practise counting forwards and backwards and to recognise odd and even numbers in a sequencing game played as a class. It includes a set of number cards from 1-30 to be distrusted to the class.

Maths Activities
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No. of pages: 5

This maths activity, ‘Number Line Draw’ develops basic maths skills by encouraging students to practise counting and place value as part of a game played as a class. It includes numeral cards from 1-30 as well as blank cards for the teacher.

Maths Activities
Available in:
No. of pages: 2

This maths activity, ‘Number Lines’ develops basic maths skills by encouraging students to practise counting and place value as part of a game played as a class. It includes blank number line templates to be distributed to students.

Number and Operations
No. of pages: 3

This number and operations worksheet, ‘Number Places Values’ allows for practice with place value. Answer sheet provided with file download.

Number and Numerical Operations
No. of pages: 9

This number and numerical operations worksheet, ‘Number Sense’ offers guidance on making sense of numbers. Answer sheet provided with file download.

Number and Numerical Operations
No. of pages: 7

This number and numerical operations worksheet, ‘Number Sense’ offers guidance on making sense of numbers. Answer sheet provided with file download.

Number and Numerical Operations
No. of pages: 8

This number and numerical operations worksheet, ‘Number Sense’ offers guidance on making sense of numbers. Answer sheet provided with file download.

No. of pages: 1

This maths template, ‘Numeral Expanders’ can be reproduced for classroom use.

Available in:
No. of pages: 2

Students use digit cards with this learning activity, ‘On the Cards’ to make numbers and understand the use of place value. They make number sentences to show relative values of numbers. An answer sheet is provided and includes accompanying teaching notes with suggestions for supporting learning and further exploration.

Maths Activities
Available in:
No. of pages: 2

This maths activity, ‘One Hundred Puzzles’ develops basic maths skills by encouraging students to practise place value, as part of a game played with cut-up hundreds charts.

Maths Activities
Available in:
No. of pages: 1

This maths activity, ‘One Up, One Down’ develops basic maths skills by encouraging students to practise place value as part of a game played in pairs with playing cards.

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