In the learning activity, ‘Going the Distance’ Tui wans to find out how far she needs to travel to visit all her friends. Students measure a scale drawing to work out the distances between towns, then use addition to calculate the distances Tui must travel. Students pose further questions for classmates about the distances on …More
The learning activity, ‘Network Nightmare’ poses the problem of using cabling to link up computers across a school. Students solve the network problem, then use a similar process to find the cost of networking in their own school or building. An answer sheet is provided and includes teaching notes with suggestions for supporting learning and …More
This addition and subtraction worksheet, ’10 More and 10 Less’ asks students to practise counting by tens.
This maths template, ’10×10 Grids’ can be reproduced for classroom use.
These maths activities, ‘7 Up’ and ’11 Down’ develop basic maths skills by encouraging students to practise addition and subtraction, as part of games played in pairs with a calculator.
In this learning activity, ‘A Spot of Sickness’, students place counters on Jerry’s face to work out the pattern of his chickenpox spots over several days. Students then plot the increase in spots on the supplied graph template. An answer sheet is provided and includes teaching notes with suggestions for supporting learning and further exploration.
This learning activity, ‘Add It On’, provides a self-tester for reviewing addition facts. Students complete tables of equations, checking each answer as they proceed. The accompanying teaching notes include suggestions for supporting learning and further exploration.
This addition worksheet, ‘Add It Up!’ asks students to practise using the partitioning method of addition.
This maths activity, ‘Add One’ develops basic maths skills by encouraging students to add the number 1 to selected number cards. It is aimed at developing students’ knowledge of adding. It provides a 21 game mat, a 13 game mat and number cards.
This addition worksheet, ‘Add Them On’ asks students to practise adding and subtracting decimals.
This addition template, ‘Add Them On Template’ can be reproduced for classroom use.
This maths activity, ‘Add Two Dice’ develops basic maths skills by encouraging students to practise addition as part of a game played in pairs. It includes a set of number cards from 2-12 and a six-sided dot dice template to be distributed to each pair.
This addition and subtraction learning activity, ‘Adders and Ladders’ asks students to practise counting forwards and backwards.
This learning activity, ‘Adding Adders’, features an addition array. Students are asked to use the array to solve equations and find the associated family of facts. An answer sheet is provided and includes teaching notes with suggestions for supporting learning and further exploration.
This number and operations worksheet, ‘Adding and Subtracting Money’ allows for practice counting money and making change. Answer sheet provided with file download.
This number and operations worksheet, ‘Adding Numbers 1’ allows for practice with addition problems. Answer sheet provided with file download.
This number and operations worksheet, ‘Adding Numbers 2’ allows for practice with addition problems. Answer sheet provided with file download.
This number and operations worksheet, ‘Adding Numbers 3’ allows for practice with addition problems. Answer sheet provided with file download.
This maths activity, ‘Adding Two Two-digit Numbers’ develops basic maths skills by encouraging students to practise adding two two-digit numbers mentally.
This addition worksheet, ‘Addition’ asks students to practise with the Commutative Property of Addition.
This number and operations worksheet, ‘Word Problems: Addition and Subtraction’ allows for practice solving addition and subtraction word problems. Answer sheet provided with file download.
This addition and subtraction template, ‘Addition and Subtraction Words’ can be reproduced for classroom use.
This maths activity, ‘Addition Bonds to 20’ develops basic maths skills by encouraging students to practise addition as part of a game played as a class.
This quick reference chart, ‘Addition Chart’ can be reproduced for classroom use.
This addition template, ‘Addition Chart’ can be reproduced for classroom use.
This number and operations worksheet, ‘Addition in Pictures and Words’ allows for practice adding objects. Answer sheet provided with file download.
This addition learning activity, ‘Addition Links’ asks students to practise adding words and numbers.
This maths template, ‘Addition or Multiplication Grid’ can be reproduced for classroom use.
This addition worksheet, ‘Addition Patterns’ asks students to practise using patterns to solve addition problems.
This beginning maths worksheet, ‘Addition Pictures 1’ allows for practice counting and adding objects. Answer sheet provided with file download.
This beginning maths worksheet, ‘Addition Pictures 2’ allows for practice counting and adding objects. Answer sheet provided with file download.
This beginning maths worksheet, ‘Addition Pictures 3’ allows for practice counting and adding objects. Answer sheet provided with file download.
This number and operations worksheet, ‘Addition Practice 1’ allows for practice with addition problems. Answer sheet provided with file download.
This number and operations worksheet, ‘Addition Practice 2’ allows for practice with addition problems. Answer sheet provided with file download.
This number and operations worksheet, ‘Addition Practice 3’ allows for practice with addition problems. Answer sheet provided with file download.
This number and operations worksheet, ‘Addition Practice 4’ allows for practice with addition problems. Answer sheet provided with file download.
This maths activity, ‘Addition Quick Draw’ develops basic maths skills by encouraging students to practise addition as part of a game played in pairs with playing cards.
This addition worksheet, ‘Addition Squares’ asks students to practise with addition.
This maths activity, ‘Addition to 10’ develops basic maths skills by encouraging students to practise addition as part of a game played in pairs. It includes number cards from 1-10 and an addition chart to be distributed to each pair.
This maths activity, ‘Addition to 10’ develops basic maths skills by encouraging students to practise addition as part of a game played in pairs with playing cards.
This number and operations worksheet, ‘Addition Using Symbols 1’ allows for practice adding objects. Answer sheet provided with file download.
This number and operations worksheet, ‘Addition Using Symbols 2’ allows for practice adding objects. Answer sheet provided with file download.
This addition template, ‘Number Line Template’ can be reproduced for classroom use.
This fun learning activity, ‘Alien Addition’ shows colourful little aliens whose work is controlled by numbers on their bellies. Students must use addition and subtraction to solve problems for the aliens. An answer sheet is provided and includes accompanying teaching notes with suggestions for supporting learning and further exploration.
This addition worksheet, ‘Almost 10’ asks students to practise adding 9 to any number.
This learning activity, ‘Almost Squares’ is a board game for two players. It encourages students to derive multiplication facts by playing a game that uses addition, multiplication, and division. As they explore square numbers, they gain insights that will be valuable in algebra studies. An answer sheet is provided and includes accompanying teaching notes with …More
This learning activity, ‘An Apple a Day’, features arrays in the form of an apple tray and an ice cube tray. Students are asked to use the trays to solve addition and multiplication problems. An answer sheet is provided and includes teaching notes with suggestions for supporting learning and further exploration.
This learning activity ‘Animal Antics’ also includes a learning activity in which students work with pattern blocks with assigned monetary values. Students add up the value of different animals made from the pattern blocks, then create their own designs for a classmate to calculate. In the game, students join blocks and add the values. An …More
This number and numerical operations worksheet, ‘Appropriateness of Estimation’ explores the application of estimations and exact answers. Answer sheet provided with file download.
This addition learning activity, ‘Aquarium’ asks students to practise with addition.
This maths manipulative, ‘Array’ can be reproduced for classroom use.
In this learning activity, ‘Array Puzzles’ students explore and solve arrays of numbers using addition. They can then create more array puzzles for classmates to solve. An answer sheet is provided and includes accompanying teaching notes with suggestions for supporting learning and further exploration.
This addition worksheet, ‘Balancing Act’ asks students to practise finding pairs of numbers.
This maths activity, ‘Ball Toss Maths’ develops basic maths skills by encouraging students to practise addition, subtraction, multiplication and division as part of a game played as a class.
This addition worksheet, ‘Baskets’ asks students to practise with basic addition.
This maths activity, ‘Beat That!’ develops basic maths skills by encouraging students to practise addition and place value, as part of a game played in pairs with a dice. It includes six-sided numeral and dot dice templates, and a Beat That! score card, which students use to score their totals, then order them from highest …More
This learning activity, ‘Beat Yourself Down’ gives students opportunities to improve their addition and subtraction skills using columns of equations. Students are challenged to increase their speed and accuracy, using a stopwatch and repeated performances. An answer sheet is provided and includes accompanying teaching notes with suggestions for supporting learning and further exploration.
This maths template, ‘Bingo Board’ can be reproduced for classroom use.
This maths template, ‘Bingo Boards’ can be reproduced for classroom use.
In this learning activity, ‘Birthday Time’, students help Carla’s mum work out how many candles she needs for various birthday cakes. The activity focuses on adding several single digit numbers by looking for numbers that add to 10. An answer sheet is provided and includes teaching notes with suggestions for supporting learning and further exploration.