Units of Measurement
No. of pages: 1

This units of measurement learning activity, ‘Capacity’ asks students to practise with estimating and ordering the capacity of different cups.

No. of pages: 1

This maths template, ‘Cone’ provides a net that can be reproduced for classroom use.

Units of Measurement
No. of pages: 1

This units of measurement worksheet, ‘Containers’ asks students to practise estimating, then determining the actual capacity of different containers.

No. of pages: 2

This measurement worksheet, ‘Converting Measurement 1’ allows for practice converting within the same system of measurement. Answer sheet provided with file download.

No. of pages: 3

This measurement worksheet, ‘Converting Measurement 2’ allows for practice converting within the same system of measurement. Answer sheet provided with file download.

No. of pages: 1

This maths template, ‘Cylinder’ provides a net that can be reproduced for classroom use.

No. of pages: 4

This measurement worksheet, ‘Estimate the Unit Conversion’ allows for practice solving measurement problems using estimation. Answer sheet provided with file download.

No. of pages: 3

This measurement worksheet, ‘Estimate the Unit Conversion 2’ allows for practice using estimation. Answer sheet provided with file download.

Content Area Reading
No. of pages: 3

This graphic organiser, ‘Estimating Coins’ helps students estimate how many coins there are in a jar using two different methods, and then asks them to compare the two estimations.

Units of Measurement
No. of pages: 1

This units of measurement learning activity, ‘Fill It Up’ asks students to practise with estimating and ordering the capacity of different objects.

Problem Solving
Available in:
No. of pages: 2

How big is an iceberg? The learning activity, ‘Floating Ideas’ helps students understand that most of an iceberg is under the water. Students use estimates to work out the amount of ice is below the surface in a series of examples, and explain why a ruler is or is not the best way to measure …More

No. of pages: 1

This maths template, ‘Hexagonal Prism’ provides a net that can be reproduced for classroom use.

Units of Measurement
No. of pages: 1

This units of measurement worksheet, ‘Investigate Capacity’ asks students to practise with capacity.

No. of pages: 3

This measurement worksheet, ‘Measurement’ allows for practice determining the appropriate type of measurement to use in a given situation. Answer sheet provided with file download.

No. of pages: 1

This measurement worksheet, ‘Measurement Conversions 1’ allows for practice converting measurements. Answer sheet provided with file download.

No. of pages: 3

This measurement worksheet, ‘Measurement Conversions 2’ allows for practice converting measurements. Answer sheet provided with file download.

No. of pages: 3

This measurement worksheet, ‘Measurement Tools’ allows for practice identifying the appropriate method of measurement to use. Answer sheet provided with file download.

No. of pages: 2

This beginning maths worksheet, ‘Mixed Measurement 1’ allows for practice estimating size and weight. Answer sheet provided with file download.

No. of pages: 3

This beginning maths worksheet, ‘Mixed Measurement 3’ allows for practice comparing approximate measures. Answer sheet provided with file download.

No. of pages: 1

This maths template, ‘Pentagonal Prism’ provides a net that can be reproduced for classroom use.

No. of pages: 1

This maths template, ‘Pentagonal Pyramid’ provides a net that can be reproduced for classroom use.

No. of pages: 2

This assessment item ‘Physics Quiz’ can be used to assess students’ knowledge of basic physics concepts. Answer sheet provided with file download.

No. of pages: 1

This maths template, ‘Rectangular Prism’ provides a net that can be reproduced for classroom use.

No. of pages: 1

This maths template, ‘Square Prism or Cube’ provides a net that can be reproduced for classroom use.

No. of pages: 1

This maths template, ‘Square Pyramid’ provides a net that can be reproduced for classroom use.

No. of pages: 1

This maths template, ‘Triangular Prism’ provides a net that can be reproduced for classroom use.

No. of pages: 1

This maths template, ‘Triangular Pyramid’ can be reproduced for classroom use.

Geometry and Measurement
No. of pages: 4

This geometry and measurement worksheet, ‘Units of Measure’ allows for practice selecting and using appropriate units of measure. Answer sheet provided with file download.

No. of pages: 2

This measurement worksheet, ‘Units of Measurement’ allows for practice identifying the appropriate units of measurement. Answer sheet provided with file download.

Content Area Reading
No. of pages: 2

This graphic organiser, ‘Weighing Estimates’ helps students estimate measurements, and gives them examples of maths in daily life.

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