Basic Facts
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No. of pages: 2

In the addition activity ‘Face Totals’ students add numbers on the corners of solid 3-D objects to find the face values of the sides of each object. Students can work alone or collaboratively as they solve the problems, exploring ways to find possible answers. An answer sheet is provided and includes teaching notes with suggestions …More

Problem Solving
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No. of pages: 2

The learning activity ‘Food for Thought’ contains a variety of short problems for students to solve and discuss. The problems engage students in thinking about the strategies they can use to solve problems that include comparing costs, distributing car passengers, and watering a tree. An answer sheet is provided and includes teaching notes to support …More

Problem Solving
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No. of pages: 4

The learning activity ‘Number Crunching’ contains a variety of short problems for students to solve and discuss. The problems engage students in thinking about the strategies they can use to solve problems that involve number puzzles, making patterns, and changing shapes. An answer sheet is provided and includes teaching notes to support learning and further …More

Problem Solving
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No. of pages: 3

The learning activity ‘True or False?’ is designed to be used as a short starting point for a lesson. The problems will generate discussion about the way students think about solving problems, and the strategies they can use. An answer sheet is provided and includes teaching notes to support learning and further exploration.

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