This data and probability worksheet, ‘Collecting and Analysing Data’ allows for practice using surveys to collect and interpret sets of data. Answer sheet provided with file download.
This data and probability worksheet, ‘Collecting and Displaying Data’ allows for practice interpreting data. Answer sheet provided with file download.
This data and probability worksheet, ‘Collecting and Displaying Data’ allows for practice with collecting and displaying data. Answer sheet provided with file download.
This data and probability worksheet, ‘Collecting Data’ allows for practice collecting and displaying data. Answer sheet provided with file download.
This data and probability worksheet, ‘Data Analysis’ allows for practice interpreting displays of data. Answer sheet provided with file download.
This data and probability worksheet, ‘Data Collection’ allows for practice collecting and displaying data. Answer sheet provided with file download.
This learning activity, ‘Open or Closed?’, introduces the concept of open and closed questions and prompts students to analyse their use in surveys. Students then write and conduct their own survey. An answer sheet is provided and includes teaching notes with suggestions for supporting learning and further exploration.
In ‘School Crossing’, Nathan and Malia are trying to find a pattern in the traffic outside their school. The learning activity asks students to interpret a time-series graph and assess the validity of statements made about it. Students then conduct their own statistical investigation. An answer sheet is provided and includes teaching notes with suggestions …More
This content area reading learning activity, ‘SQ3R,’ encourages students to determine the main idea in a text. It has students survey, question, read, recite, and review the text in order to achieve a deeper understanding.