This learning activity, ‘Short and Sharp’, introduces stem-and-leaf graphs and shows how they can be used to organise numbers, such as pencil measurements, house numbers, or dice throws. An answer sheet is provided and includes teaching notes with suggestions for supporting learning and further exploration.
Does too much TV make students tired? In this learning activity, ‘Television Times’ two students gather and use data to answer this question. This learning activity asks students to use the data to generate more questions. In a second activity, students can gather and analyse data from their class. An answer sheet is provided and …More
After a good day’s fishing, Angela and her dad record the mass and length of their catch. This learning activity, ‘Fish Figures’, asks students to convert stem-and-leaf graphs into histograms, create a scatter plot, and use trendlines to make predictions. An answer sheet is provided and includes teaching notes with suggestions for supporting learning and …More