Celebrating National Days
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This worksheet, ‘Australian Colonisation’ provides students with a scaffold to logically sequence the major events following Captain James Cook’s claim on Australia in 1770. This resource logically segments students’ writing using prompts such as, first, then and finally to demonstrate the importance of chronologically sequencing historical events. The simple structure and can be used in …More

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No. of pages: 1

This sequencing activity, ‘Beginning, Middle and End’ asks students to arrange sets of pictures in the correct order. It is aimed at developing students’ knowledge of sequencing.

Writing Traits
No. of pages: 4

This Writing Traits activity ‘Paragraphing’ encourages students to organise information in distinct paragraphs to signal new ideas.

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No. of pages: 1

This reading activity, ‘Letters in Alphabetical Order’ provides opportunities for practice with the order of letters within the alphabet.

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No. of pages: 1

This reading activity, ‘Letters in Alphabetical Order’ provides opportunities for practice with the order of letters within the alphabet.

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No. of pages: 1

This reading activity, ‘Letters in Alphabetical Order’ provides opportunities for practice with the order of letters within the alphabet.

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No. of pages: 1

This reading activity, ‘Letters in Alphabetical Order’ provides opportunities for practice with the order of letters within the alphabet.

Writing Traits
No. of pages: 4

This Writing Traits activity ‘Paragraph Development’ encourages students to develop topics and supporting paragraphs.

Writing Traits
No. of pages: 5

This Writing Traits activity ‘Transitions’ encourages students to smoothly connect ideas or phrases in compositions.

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No. of pages: 1

This sequencingr activity, ‘Put It in Its Place’ asks students to arrange sets of pictures in the correct order. It is aimed at developing students’ knowledge of sequencing.

No. of pages: 2

This graphic organiser, ‘Right On Time’ provides students with the opportunity to record a sequence of events in chronological order.

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