No. of pages: 2

This graphic organiser, ‘Check It Over’ provides students with the opportunity to evaluate their own writing using a list of class determined standards.

No. of pages: 3

This graphic organiser, ‘Check Over the Careers’ provides students with the opportunity to evaluate their own career writing using a list of class determined standards.

Writing Text
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No. of pages: 1

This quick reference chart ‘Punctuation’ offers guidance on full stops, question marks, exclamation marks and commas. It introduces students to the mechanics of this area and includes a list of reference examples for correct usage.

Writing Text
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No. of pages: 2

This quick reference chart ‘Revising Your Writing’ shows students what to look for when they proofread their work. It is aimed at encouraging students as themselves questions about the content, organisation, sentence construction, usage and mechanics in their writing to make their composition the best it can be.

Writing Text
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No. of pages: 1

This quick reference chart ‘Revising Your Writing’ shows students what to look for when they proofread their work .It is aimed at encouraging students as themselves questions about the content, organisation, sentence construction, usage and mechanics in their writing to make their composition the best it can be.

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