Editing and Revising
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No. of pages: 4

This editing and revising learning activity, ‘A Letter: A New Game Table’ encourages students to recognise spelling errors, punctuation and sentence structure. Answer sheet provided with file download.

Editing and Revising
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No. of pages: 4

This editing and revising learning activity, ‘A Letter: Should They Have Recess?’ encourages students to recognise capitalisation and spelling errors, correct tense, punctuation and sentence structure. Answer sheet provided with file download.

Physical Science
No. of pages: 1

This physical science worksheet, ‘Design It, Build It’ asks students to select some everyday objects then design, build and trial a toy.

Comprehension and Critical Thinking
No. of pages: 4

This reading comprehension activity, ‘For One or More Players’, asks students to answer comprehension questions on a text about games in the playground.

Reading and Writing
No. of pages: 1

This worksheet, ‘I Wash’ supports students to complete simple sentences related to washing toys. It supports an understanding of reading and writing.

Writing Prompt
No. of pages: 1

This writing prompt, ‘Places to Play’ helps students to write about their favourite place to play. It encourages students to think about their surroundings and is aimed at broadening students’ writing and language skills.

Reading and Writing
No. of pages: 1

This worksheet, ‘The Sandcastle’ supports students to complete simple sentences. It supports an understanding of reading and writing.

Physical Science
No. of pages: 1

This physical science worksheet, ‘Try and Try Again’ supports students to plan, trial and improve a way of moving a marble across the room.

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