Reading Comprehension
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No. of pages: 2

This graphic organiser, ‘A Picture Tells a Thousand Words’ asks students to judge the importance of a photograph or other picture in a non-fiction text based on how much information it gives.

Problem Solving
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No. of pages: 2

The learning activity, ‘Fish Fair’ uses a sea theme to instruct students in playing the old cup and coin game. In this version, cups represent sea shells and counters are used for pearls as students try to predict where the pearls are hidden. The activity supports the exploration of predicting the likelihood of an outcome …More

Problem Solving
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No. of pages: 3

Under the sea, horse racing means sea horses! The learning activity, ‘Horse Racing’ includes a learning activity in which students race to move their sea horses to the finish line. The game involves using two dice and subtracting the numbers thrown to decide which sea horse to move. This method provides interesting results that students …More

Writing Organiser
No. of pages: 1

This writing organiser ‘Logs’ supports students to plan for writing dated log entries for a specific purpose.

Graphic Organiser
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No. of pages: 1

This ‘Observation and Inference’ graphic organiser provides a template for students to think critically and analytically about their observations. Students are prompted to record observations, then follow these up with inferences that they have made based on those observations. Finally, students are asked to explain why they have made those inferences. The ability to not …More

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