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No. of pages: 9

This set of crotchet and quaver rhythm cards are useful when introducing students to the concept of rhythm. Each page of this resource provides three different crotchet and quaver rhythms for a bar of four beats. They can be used with individual students or a class and are especially useful as a supplement to call …More

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No. of pages: 3

This set of crotchet rhythm cards are useful when introducing students to the concept of rhythm. Each page of this resource provides three different crotchet rhythms for a bar of four beats. They can be used with individual students or a class and are especially useful as a supplement to call and response activities to …More

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No. of pages: 1

This quick reference resource, ‘Dynamics’ is a fantastic addition to any musical classroom. It provides an easy to read poster that explains the different levels of dynamics. Each musical term is represented using animals that help to link students’ existing knowledge to new language used in music.

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No. of pages: 1

This set of music note, rhythm stickers is an easy way to encourage the exploration of rhythms and musical notation. The different stickers include crotchets, minims, quavers and other musical signs that can be stuck onto different size blocks to convey concepts such as the length of the notes, the arrangement of music and how …More

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No. of pages: 1

This quick reference resource, ‘Musical Notes’ is a fantastic addition to any musical classroom. It provides an easy to read poster that shows the notes from middle C to F on and between each of the lines on the staff. Each note is given a different colour which also reinforces the repetitive nature of musical …More

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No. of pages: 3

This set of flashcards, ‘Musical Notes Cards’ is a fantastic resource that provides students with easy to read flashcards to help memorise notes written in treble clef. They can be used with a partner or can be taken home to assist with learning notes when outside of the classroom.

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No. of pages: 6

This set of flashcards, ‘Musical Notes Match-Up Cards’ is a fantastic resource that provides students with easy to read flashcards to help memorise notes written in treble clef. Once cut out, these cards can be used for a memory, match-up game or can also be stuck back-to-back and laminated to create self-correcting flashcards. They are …More

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No. of pages: 2

This quick reference resource, ‘Musical Symbols’ provides students with the symbols for some of the most commonly used notation in music. Additionally they are provided with the label for each symbol and a brief explanation as to what it means should they come across it in a piece of music.

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No. of pages: 1

This quick reference resource, ‘Note Length’ is a fantastic addition to any musical classroom. It provides an easy to read poster that shows the differences in note lengths using a fraction strip-like diagram.

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No. of pages: 1

This quick reference sheet, ‘Notes and Rests’ is a simple resource that provides a table outlining the name, notation and beat length of the most common notes and rests in 4/4 time. The table is easy to read and perfect for early learners when exploring basic concepts of music theory.

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No. of pages: 1

This quick reference sheet, ‘Time Signatures’ provides students with a brief explanation for the use of time signatures in music. It can be printed out and given to students individually or it can be used as a quick reference wall chart.

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No. of pages: 1

This quick reference resource, ‘Tempo’ is a fantastic addition to any musical classroom. It provides an easy to read poster that explains the different levels in tempo. Each musical term is represented using animals that help to link students’ existing knowledge to new language used in music.

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