This spelling activity, ‘Correct Spelling’ provides opportunities for practice with identifying the correctly spelt plural form of the animals.
This spelling activity, ‘Plural Nouns’ provides opportunities for practice with changing the singular form of the noun to the correct plural.
This spelling activity, ‘Plurals’ provides opportunities for practice with correctly spelling the plural form of each noun.
This spelling activity, ‘Plurals’ provides opportunities for practice with finding the plural form of each noun.
This spelling activity, ‘Plurals’ provides opportunities for practice with correctly spelling the plural form of each noun.
This spelling activity, ‘Plurals’ provides opportunities for practice with changing words with ‘y’ endings to plurals using ‘s’ or ‘ies’.
This spelling activity, ‘Plurals’ provides opportunities for practice with finding the plural form of each noun.
This spelling activity, ‘Plurals’ provides opportunities for practice with correctly spelling the plural form of each noun.
This spelling activity, ‘Plurals’ provides opportunities for practice with correctly spelling the plural form of each noun.
This spelling activity, ‘Plurals’ provides opportunities for practice with adding ‘es’ or ‘s’ to create the plural forms of the nouns.