Content Area Reading
No. of pages: 3

This graphic organiser, ‘Finding the Matching Pens’ asks students to use chromatography to test different inks in pens, compare the samples and solve a mystery.

Content Area Reading
No. of pages: 9

This content area reading activity, ‘Making Dull Pennies Shine’ is a science based reading comprehension exercise encouraging students to follow the procedural steps of an experiment.

Content Area Reading
No. of pages: 2

This graphic organiser, ‘Solution Finder’ helps students clarify their opinions and form solutions to problems.

Graphic Organiser
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No. of pages: 1

This ‘Observation Log’ graphic organiser is the perfect template for students carrying out any observation-based experiments or projects. The graphic organiser contains four clipboard-style spaces for students to record the date and their observation notes and can be photocopied to provide as many days’ worth of notes as is required.

Graphic Organiser
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No. of pages: 1

This ‘Planning an Experiment’ graphic organiser provides a template for students to methodically plan an experiment from start to finish. The timeline format of this graphic organiser prompts students to consider the elements and actions required at each step of an experiment, supporting them in developing key investigation and experiment planning skills that are essential …More

Graphic Organiser
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No. of pages: 1

This ‘The Scientific Method’ graphic organiser provides a template for students to use and understand this essential process of scientific enquiry and process. The graphic organiser prompts students to identify a problem by asking a question, then formulate a hypothesis based on this question. Students are then given the opportunity to plan an experiment, recording …More

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