Comprehension and Critical Thinking
No. of pages: 8

This reading comprehension activity ‘It’s Raining Monarchs’, asks students to answer comprehension questions on a text about monarch butterflies.

Australia's Capital City
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No. of pages: 1

This article, ‘Meet a Canberra Scientist’ features an interview with Brian Cooke, a Canberra scientist who was awarded the Order of Australia Medal in 2012 for his work to regulate the Australian rabbit population. This is a great resource for developing students’ awareness of some of Australia’s ecological imbalances and how they are being addressed …More

Writing Task
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No. of pages: 1

This Writing Task worksheet, ‘Pet or Pest’, features instructions for students to write a passage about eliminating or saving an animal. It encourages students to plan their writing and to check it for errors. Prompts suggest that the student list several reasons for saving or destroying the animal and consider the broader ecological impact of …More

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