Environment and Conservation
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No. of pages: 1

This worksheet, ‘5Ws and How About Energy’ provides a structured diagram that helps students identify the who, what, when, where, why and how of energy. It is a great visual graphic that can be used as a comprehension activity and to generate meaningful class discussion.

Writing Task
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No. of pages: 1

This Writing Task worksheet, ‘Letter to Save the Fish’, features instructions for students to write a persuasive letter about helping dying fish. It encourages students to plan their writing and to check it for errors. Prompts suggest covering the reasons for the letter, the location of the dying fish, three possible causes for their decline, …More

Reading Comprehension
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No. of pages: 6

This Reading Comprehension worksheet, ‘A Selective Environmentalist’, features a humorous narrative about a woman who does not like mice. It encourages students to use a variety of strategies to interpret the text and includes questions about predicting outcome, the main idea, sequence, comparison/contrast, making an inference, importance, detail, point of view, and author’s purpose. Answer …More

Environment and Conservation
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No. of pages: 1

This worksheet, ‘ABCs of the Environment’ provides an alphabet grid that students can use to develop their vocabulary and brainstorm different ideas about environmental concepts. This is a fun and simple resource that can be used effectively before, during or after an activity and across ability levels. It can also be utilised during individual, pair …More

South African History
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No. of pages: 1

This history article ‘Endangered Animals: South Africa’ features important factual background information about South Africa’s animals. It identifies the black rhino, African wild dog, blue crane and African penguin as key animals endemic to South Africa, which are under threat today. It is aimed at broadening students’ historical and cultural awareness and could be used …More

Environment and Conservation
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No. of pages: 1

This worksheet, ‘Environmental Acrostic Poem’ is a fantastic quick activity to brainstorm facts and ideas about the environment. It is a fun resource that can be used without preparation across all age groups and abilities. Students are required to use the letters from the word ‘Environment’ to list facts or ideas that they already know …More

Environment and Conservation
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No. of pages: 1

This worksheet, ‘Environmental Crossword’ provides students with the opportunity to use skills including vocabulary, reasoning and spelling to find the correct environmental words to complete the puzzle. It encourages students to identify and understand the terms being used and to build on their vocabulary of key words used when discussing environmental concepts. An answer sheet …More

Environment and Conservation
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No. of pages: 1

This worksheet, ‘Environmental Figure Match-Up’ is a fun and engaging activity to explore interesting facts and figures about the environment. Students must match each fact to its corresponding figure by either cutting out or drawing links. This resource encourages students to think logically and analytically to ascertain the most likely answer. An answer sheet is …More

Environment and Conservation
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No. of pages: 2

These Environmental themed page borders are a set of full colour and black and white page borders that can be used in various ways in the classroom such as in wall displays and bulletin boards. They can also be used in student projects or worksheets. Borders can be printed, coloured in and laminated.

Environment and Conservation
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No. of pages: 1

This worksheet, ‘Environmental True or False’ is a thought-provoking worksheet that requires students to asses the truth of facts about environmental concepts. Many students may presume the answers quickly only to realise their assumptions were not correct which can lead to interesting discussions and further research into environment related topics. An answer sheet is also …More

Environment and Conservation
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No. of pages: 1

This worksheet, ‘Environmental Unscramble’ is a great activity that encourages students to study the sounds and spellings of words associated with the environment. Students will be challenged to unscramble letters to find common words used during this topic. An answer sheet is also provided.

Environment and Conservation
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No. of pages: 1

This worksheet, ‘Environmental Word Search’ gives students the opportunity to learn new vocabulary and improve their spelling of words associated with the environment. Students must scrutinise the spelling of each word on their list, ensuring new vocabulary is committed to memory with the correct spelling.

Environment and Conservation
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No. of pages: 1

This worksheet, ‘Environmental Word Shapes’ is a great resource that encourages students to examine the spelling and letter shapes of words associated with the environment. Students must use the word bank to match the letter shapes to the correct words.

South African History
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No. of pages: 1

This history article, ‘Kruger National Park’ features South Africa’s oldest, largest and most famous game reserve. It provides factual information about the animals who live there, the park’s founder, Paul Kruger, and current efforts to fight poaching, along with a glossary of unfamiliar words and terms from the text. It is aimed at broadening students’ …More

Environment and Conservation
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No. of pages: 1

This worksheet, ‘KWL Chart of the Environment’ prompts students to explore what they know about the environment, what they want to learn and what they have learnt following activities. This is a great, clearly formatted resource to encourage students to take responsibility for their own learning and to assist teachers in establishing their students’ prior …More

South African Landmarks
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No. of pages: 1

This postcard ‘Limpopo: Kruger National Park’ features important factual background information on South Africa’s oldest game reserve. The postcard template encourages students to research the location in order to write creatively about it as though recounting a visit. It is aimed at broadening students’ awareness of the environmental, cultural and historical landmarks of South Africa …More

Analysing Text
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No. of pages: 9

This analysing text worksheet ‘One Country’s Treasures’ supports students to use various strategies to understand a narrative text about Costa Rica. It is aimed at encouraging students to deconstruct the text in order to gain a deeper understanding of its purpose, to recall specific details from the text, to look critically at words in order …More

Reading Comprehension
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No. of pages: 5

This Reading Comprehension worksheet, ‘One Country’s Treasures’, features an informational text about Costa Rica’s natural environment and protected areas such as the Children’s Eternal Rainforest. It encourages students to use a variety of strategies to interpret the text and includes questions about fact/opinion, cause and effect, validity, detail, vocabulary, reasoning, making an inference, comparison/contrast, and …More

Reading Comprehension
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No. of pages: 8

This Reading Comprehension worksheet, ‘So Many Things Worth Keeping’, features a narrative about a family’s visit to Colorado and their new appreciation for protecting the environment. It encourages students to use a variety of strategies to interpret the text and includes questions about validity, making a judgment, detail, emotional reaction, paraphrasing, reasoning, sequence, comparison/contrast, cause …More

South African History
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No. of pages: 1

This history article ‘The Big Five’ features important factual background information about the five African animals most prized by hunters, and now by safari tourists. It identifies the lion, African elephant, leopard, rhinoceros and African buffalo as the Big Five, and discusses the threats each animal faces today. It is aimed at broadening students’ historical …More

Editing and Revising
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No. of pages: 4

This editing and revising learning activity, ‘The Dwarf Gecko’ encourages students to recognise capitalisation and spelling errors, punctuation and sentence structure. Answer sheet provided with file download.

Reading Comprehension
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No. of pages: 5

This Reading Comprehension worksheet, ‘The World’s Largest Natural Wonder’, features an informational text about the Great Barrier Reef, its many different types of coral, its abundant marine life, and the threats it is facing. The worksheet encourages students to use a variety of strategies to interpret the text and includes questions about making a judgment, …More

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No. of pages: 1

This short nonfiction text, ‘Z: Zoo’ features important factual background information about Dublin Zoo. It is aimed at broadening students’ awareness of the symbols and icons associated with Irish culture and also features an activity for students to practise their handwriting.

Environmental Science
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No. of pages: 5

This hands-on learning activity supports teachers in directing students through the process of planting seeds and observing and recording their changes as they grow into bee-friendly plants. The activity begins with some question prompts for teachers to engage students’ existing knowledge about bees and encourage them to consider their habitat and needs. Teachers are then …More

Conservation and the Environment
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No. of pages: 4

This maths activity uses real-world data to engage students in discussions and observations about the importance of pollination in food production in Australia. The activity begins with some question prompts for teachers to engage students’ existing knowledge about pollination and how bees contribute to pollination. Students are then provided with a table listing crops and …More

Environmental Science
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No. of pages: 6

This hands-on STEM activity provides students with a visual demonstration of the role of bees in the pollination process to further solidify their understanding of the importance of bees in pollination and food production. The activity begins with some question prompts for teachers to engage students’ existing knowledge about pollination and how bees contribute to …More

Early Learning Activities
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No. of pages: 4

This hands-on activity supports educators in guiding young learners through the process of making a bee-friendly waterer, using simple materials that provide an additional sensory element. The activity begins with some question prompts for educators to engage children’s existing knowledge about bees and encourage them to consider their habitat and needs. Educators are then provided …More

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