Basic Facts
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No. of pages: 4

In this learning activity, ‘Dicey Dabble’ students draw number cards to make a grid then throw dice to fill in their grid. The numbers they use must be a factor of the numbers from their cards. The game reinforces students’ understanding of factors in a fun context. An answer sheet is provided and includes accompanying …More

Basic Facts
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No. of pages: 2

In this learning activity ‘Factor Puzzles’, students explore the ways factors are represented on a polygon and solve puzzles using multiplication. They can also play a game by multiplying the numbers on two dice to cover numbered squares on a gameboard. An answer sheet is provided and includes accompanying teaching notes with suggestions for supporting …More

Number and Algebra
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No. of pages: 4

Run Like the Wind!’ is a learning activity and learning activity that features a triathlete and his coach. The word problems concern his training schedules as they change over time. Students must design schedules to match the triathlete’s changing fitness in each of three sports. An answer sheet is provided and includes comprehensive teaching notes …More

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No. of pages: 3

The children in this practical learning activity love to eat sandwiches for lunch. The ‘Sandwich Survey’ shows some of the results of a survey they did, leaving students to find equivalent fractions. They can also carry out a similar survey of the lunch choices of their classmates. This activity includes comprehensive teaching notes to be …More

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