Reading Comprehension
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No. of pages: 5

This Reading Comprehension worksheet, ‘Cold Weather Breeds’, features an informational text about the Samoyed, the Siberian Husky, the Alaskan Malamute, the Newfoundland, and the Saint Bernard, all dogs that have been bred for cold climates. It encourages students to use a variety of strategies to interpret the text and includes questions about reasoning, detail, drawing …More

Problem Solving
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No. of pages: 2

What happens when cold water mixes with hot water? In the learning activity, ‘Hot or Cold’ students use a girl’s experiments to learn about the relationships between water temperatures and quantities. The accompanying teaching notes provide background information about the way different ocean temperatures cause currents to form and affect the Earth’s weather.

Editing and Revising
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No. of pages: 4

This editing and revising learning activity, ‘The Arctic Tundra’ encourages students to recognise capitalisation and spelling errors, correct tense, punctuation and sentence structure. Answer sheet provided with file download.

Comprehension and Critical Thinking
No. of pages: 5

This reading comprehension activity, ‘What a Winter!’, is available at two different reading levels to allow for differentiated instruction. It asks students to answer comprehension questions on a text about El Nino, a storm that hit America.

Comprehension and Critical Thinking
No. of pages: 5
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