Content Area Reading
No. of pages: 2

This graphic organiser, ‘Hairy Situations Ideas’ asks students to compare attributes and characteristics of various animals, analysing and recording their similarities and differences.

Content Area Reading
No. of pages: 2

This graphic organiser, ‘Moving Star’ allows students to develop and organise ways to move objects using force, then choose the best way to move an object.

Content Area Reading
No. of pages: 3

This graphic organiser, ‘Moving Star for Pulling’ helps students create lists of objects that you can change the position of by pulling, then evaluate the best object to be pulled.

Content Area Reading
No. of pages: 3

This graphic organiser, ‘Mysterious Situations’ asks students to look at a picture, list ideas for a story and then write an original story of their own.

Oral Language Photo Activity
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No. of pages: 1

This oral language photo activity ‘Safari’, is a great resource for enhancing vocabulary and concept development by providing a thought-provoking visual stimulus that can be used as a prompt to engage students in discussion. These photo activity cards can be used as a stand-alone activity or as a supplement to the topic of South Africa. …More

Reading Comprehension
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No. of pages: 2

This graphic organiser, ‘Precision Decision T-chart’ helps students to see patterns and relationships among words and phrases used in a book and how they connect to the overall meaning.

Reading Comprehension
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No. of pages: 3

This graphic organiser, ‘Precision Decision T-chart for The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ asks students to use word-resource texts to find more precise adjectives for vague descriptive words or phrases while reading The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis.

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