Problem Solving
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No. of pages: 2

In the learning activity, ‘Fishing Fancy’, students first collect and display category data to answer questions. They then select suitable ways to display the data. They also write story problems using data and fractions as they compare the numbers of different kinds of fish. An answer sheet is provided and includes accompanying teaching notes with …More

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No. of pages: 3

In this learning activity, ‘It’s On the Cards’, Nina’s class wrote some personal information on data cards. The information was displayed as a dot plot then used to help answer some questions. Students can use the activity to gather, represent, and interpret data within their own class. An answer sheet is provided and includes accompanying …More

Graphic Organiser
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No. of pages: 1

This ‘Asking Questions’ graphic organiser provides a template for students to organise their thoughts and questions about a topic at various stages of learning. This open-ended graphic organiser could be used to support students in formulating questions about a wide range of areas of scientific study, for example before, during and after an experiment or …More

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