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No. of pages: 1

This role-play mask ‘Turtle’ is a resource that can be used in a variety of classroom activities. It is a hands-on tool that provides a stimulus to prompt vocabulary and concept development. Use it during class discussions to fuel engagement, or have students use their imaginations to incorporate the mask into other speaking activities. It …More

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No. of pages: 1

This role-play mask ‘Turtle B&W’ is a resource that can be used in a variety of classroom activities. It is a hands-on tool that provides a stimulus to prompt vocabulary and concept development. Use it during class discussions to fuel engagement, or have students use their imaginations to incorporate the mask into other speaking activities. …More

No. of pages: 7

This hands-on activity, ‘Using a Roman Abacus’ supports students to learn how to use a Roman Abacus and perform simple maths sums.

Science Activity
No. of pages: 1

This hands-on activity, ‘Volume 1’ asks students to investigate the concept of volume filling up space.

Science Activity
No. of pages: 1

This hands-on activity, ‘Volume 2’ asks students to investigate how different sized containers affect volume.

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No. of pages: 4

Waka Widths’ is an interesting hands-on activity that uses ancient methods of canoe-making to help student explore the relationship between the diameter and the circumference of a circle using arm spans. An answer sheet is provided and includes accompanying teaching notes with suggestions for supporting learning and further exploration.

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No. of pages: 1

This role-play mask ‘Walrus’ is a resource that can be used in a variety of classroom activities. It is a hands-on tool that provides a stimulus to prompt vocabulary and concept development. Use it during class discussions to fuel engagement, or have students use their imaginations to incorporate the mask into other speaking activities. It …More

Available in:
No. of pages: 1

This role-play mask ‘Walrus B&W’ is a resource that can be used in a variety of classroom activities. It is a hands-on tool that provides a stimulus to prompt vocabulary and concept development. Use it during class discussions to fuel engagement, or have students use their imaginations to incorporate the mask into other speaking activities. …More

Available in:
No. of pages: 1

This role-play mask ‘Warthog’ is a resource that can be used in a variety of classroom activities. It is a hands-on tool that provides a stimulus to prompt vocabulary and concept development. Use it during class discussions to fuel engagement, or have students use their imaginations to incorporate the mask into other speaking activities. It …More

Available in:
No. of pages: 1

This role-play mask ‘Warthog B&W’ is a resource that can be used in a variety of classroom activities. It is a hands-on tool that provides a stimulus to prompt vocabulary and concept development. Use it during class discussions to fuel engagement, or have students use their imaginations to incorporate the mask into other speaking activities. …More

Science Activity
No. of pages: 2

This hands-on activity, ‘Water Energy’ asks students to investigate how energy from flowing water can be used to move a boat.

Science Activity
No. of pages: 2

This hands-on activity, ‘Wedges’ asks students to investigate how a wedge can be used to force something apart.

Available in:
No. of pages: 1

This role-play mask ‘Whale’ is a resource that can be used in a variety of classroom activities. It is a hands-on tool that provides a stimulus to prompt vocabulary and concept development. Use it during class discussions to fuel engagement, or have students use their imaginations to incorporate the mask into other speaking activities. It …More

Available in:
No. of pages: 1

This role-play mask ‘Whale B&W’ is a resource that can be used in a variety of classroom activities. It is a hands-on tool that provides a stimulus to prompt vocabulary and concept development. Use it during class discussions to fuel engagement, or have students use their imaginations to incorporate the mask into other speaking activities. …More

Science Activity
No. of pages: 2

This hands-on activity, ‘Wheels 1’ asks students to build a cart and investigate how wheels help us move load.

Science Activity
No. of pages: 2

This hands-on activity, ‘Wheels 2’ asks students to build a drive belt and investigate how spools can move load.

Science Activity
No. of pages: 2

This hands-on activity, ‘Wheels 3’ asks students to build gears using bottle tops and investigate how they can move load.

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No. of pages: 3

In this learning activity, ‘Which When?’, Sam uses two different spinners to decide what to do after school. Using the supplied template, students make their own spinners and record the results of their spins. An answer sheet is provided and includes teaching notes with suggestions for supporting learning and further exploration.

Science Activity
No. of pages: 2

This hands-on activity, ‘Wind Energy’ asks students to build a windmill and investigate how wind energy can be captured to create power.

Science Activity
No. of pages: 2

This hands-on activity, ‘Wind Energy Extension’ asks students to record and compare the strength of wind over time.

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No. of pages: 2

This hands-on activity, ‘Wrap It Up’, provides instructions for making wrapping paper with a printing block. Students apply translational and rotational symmetry to create frieze-type patterns. The accompanying teaching notes offer suggestions for supporting learning and further exploration.

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No. of pages: 1

This role-play mask ‘Yellow Alien’ is a resource that can be used in a variety of classroom activities. It is a hands-on tool that provides a stimulus to prompt vocabulary and concept development. Use it during class discussions to fuel engagement, or have students use their imaginations to incorporate the mask into other speaking activities. …More

Available in:
No. of pages: 1

This role-play mask ‘Yellow Alien B&W’ is a resource that can be used in a variety of classroom activities. It is a hands-on tool that provides a stimulus to prompt vocabulary and concept development. Use it during class discussions to fuel engagement, or have students use their imaginations to incorporate the mask into other speaking …More

Available in:
No. of pages: 1

This role-play mask ‘Zebra’ is a resource that can be used in a variety of classroom activities. It is a hands-on tool that provides a stimulus to prompt vocabulary and concept development. Use it during class discussions to fuel engagement, or have students use their imaginations to incorporate the mask into other speaking activities. It …More

Available in:
No. of pages: 1

This role-play mask ‘Zebra B&W’ is a resource that can be used in a variety of classroom activities. It is a hands-on tool that provides a stimulus to prompt vocabulary and concept development. Use it during class discussions to fuel engagement, or have students use their imaginations to incorporate the mask into other speaking activities. …More

Environmental Science
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No. of pages: 5

This hands-on learning activity supports teachers in directing students through the process of planting seeds and observing and recording their changes as they grow into bee-friendly plants. The activity begins with some question prompts for teachers to engage students’ existing knowledge about bees and encourage them to consider their habitat and needs. Teachers are then …More

Health and Safety
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No. of pages: 3

This worksheet, ‘Crash Test Eggs’ is a fabulous experiment based learning activity. Students are required to design a construction that successfully protects a raw egg at the point of impact with the ground. It provides a great link to how cars are designed to give the driver and passengers the most protection on impact and …More

Environmental Science
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No. of pages: 6

This hands-on STEM activity provides students with a visual demonstration of the role of bees in the pollination process to further solidify their understanding of the importance of bees in pollination and food production. The activity begins with some question prompts for teachers to engage students’ existing knowledge about pollination and how bees contribute to …More

Early Learning Activities
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No. of pages: 4

This hands-on activity supports educators in guiding young learners through the process of making a bee-friendly waterer, using simple materials that provide an additional sensory element. The activity begins with some question prompts for educators to engage children’s existing knowledge about bees and encourage them to consider their habitat and needs. Educators are then provided …More

Celebrating Relationships
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No. of pages: 2

This hands-on activity, ‘Make Your Own Cupcake Cards’ provides step-by-step instructions for students to follow in the classroom or at home. This resource directs students through the process of making cupcake cards through using a stencil provided and craft materials. It is particularly useful for days when greeting cards are given.

Celebrations and Festivals
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No. of pages: 2

This hands-on activity, ‘Make Your Own Easter Boxes’ provides step-by-step instructions for students to follow in the classroom or at home. This resource directs students through the process of making Easter themed paper boxes. It is particularly useful when collecting Easter eggs or can be taken home as a gift.

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No. of pages: 2

This hands-on activity, ‘Make Your Own Maraca’ provides step-by-step instructions for students to follow in the classroom or at home. This resource directs students through the process of making a maraca using household items and craft materials. It is aimed at developing students’ awareness of simple artistic procedures and the basic elements of a maraca. …More

Celebrating National Days
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No. of pages: 2

This hands-on activity, ‘Make Your Own Paper Chain of Soldiers’ provides step-by-step instructions for students to follow in the classroom or at home. This resource directs students through the process of making a paper chain of soldiers. The soldiers can be used as a link to remembrance and can be cut out and coloured in …More

Available in:
No. of pages: 1

This hands-on activity, ‘Make Your Own Recycled Paper’ provides step-by-step instructions for students to follow in the classroom or at home. This resource guides students through the process of making their own paper from scrap paper and supports students in understanding the paper recycling process by giving them hands-on experience of trying it themselves. This …More

Celebrating National Days
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No. of pages: 1

This hands-on activity, ‘Make Your Own Remembrance Wreath’ provides step-by-step instructions for students to follow in the classroom or at home. This resource directs students through the process of making a wreath for remembrance. It is particularly useful when commemorating war or can be used simply as an arts and craft activity.

Art and Craft
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No. of pages: 2

This hands-on art and craft activity, ‘Make Your Own Space Shuttle’ provides step-by-step instructions for students to follow at school or at home. This resource directs students through the process of making a space shuttle using simple materials such as card, scissors, glue and pens or paints to decorate. The download includes templates for the …More

Celebrating Relationships
No. of pages: 3

This hands-on activity, ‘My Family Tree’ provides step-by-step instructions for students to follow in the classroom or at home. This resource directs students through the process of making their own family tree. Students need to cut and paste the templates of leaves and shapes onto the template of a tree. They can then draw or …More

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