Canadian History
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No. of pages: 1

This history timeline, ‘Agnes Macphail’, features important dates and factual background information about the famous member of parliament and human rights activist Agnes Macphail. This is a great resource for broadening students’ historical knowledge about Canada and could be used as a prompt for further discussion or study of Canadian history.

Canadian History
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No. of pages: 1

This history timeline, ‘Emily Murphy’, features important dates and factual background information about the famous author and women’s rights activist Emily Murphy. This is a great resource for broadening students’ historical knowledge about Canada and could be used as a prompt for further discussion or study of Canadian history.

Famous Canadian People
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No. of pages: 1

This profile, ‘Nellie McClung’, features important factual background information about this Canadian author and political activist. It is aimed at broadening students’ historical and cultural awareness in an engaging manner, and could be used a prompt for further discussion or study about Canada.

History for Kids
No. of pages: 4

This history article, ‘Voting for Girl Power’ features the women’s suffrage movement and the fight to achieve voting rights for women. It provides factual information about early women’s rights, as well as a fun flag match activity. It also has a glossary of unfamiliar words and terms from the text and is aimed at broadening …More

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