Maths and Technology
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No. of pages: 5

Going Global’ provides activities to support students’ understanding of how GPS works. They can also use latitude and longitude co-ordinates to help locate a mystery object. This activity includes comprehensive teaching notes to be read before beginning the activity with students, as they feature useful background information and suggestions for supporting learning. An answer sheet …More

Science Activity
No. of pages: 2

This hands on activity, ‘Energy Project’ can be used to assess students’ research and presentation skills in investigating different types of energy.

Geometry and Measurement
No. of pages: 3

This geometry and measurement worksheet, ‘Spatial Relationships’ introduces the concept of spatial relationships. Answer sheet provided with file download.

Problem Solving
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No. of pages: 3

The learning activity, ‘Treasure Trove’ is a variation on the old game of Battleships. Two students have a grid each on which they place ‘treasure chests’. They then use ordered pairs of coordinates to find each other’s treasure. The first person to find all the treasure wins the game. An answer sheet contains teaching notes …More

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