No. of pages: 1

This learning activity, ‘Adding Details’ supports students to revise and improve their writing by adding details.

No. of pages: 1

This graphic organiser, ‘Asking Questions’ supports the teaching of reading and writing skills by providing students with a template for asking questions and locating information.

Analysing Text
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No. of pages: 9

This analysing text worksheet ‘How to Become an Inventor in Just Five Steps’ supports students to use various strategies to understand an informational text about inventing. It is aimed at encouraging students to deconstruct the text in order to gain a deeper understanding of its purpose, to recall specific details from the text, to look …More

Content Area Reading
No. of pages: 2

This graphic organiser, ‘Picture Perfect’ provides students with a visual tool to see concepts or information that may be ambiguous or unclear to them.

Content Area Reading
No. of pages: 3

This graphic organiser, ‘Picture Perfect Sounds’ provides students with a visual tool to identify items that produce sounds through vibrations.

Writing Text
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No. of pages: 3

This quick reference chart ‘Prewriting’ helps students to plan and organise their ideas before they write. It introduces students to the principles of prewriting and the steps to follow, including planning for the purpose, audience, organisation and style of their text before starting to write. It also provides a checklist for good writing that includes …More

Writing Text
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No. of pages: 5

This quick reference chart ‘Prewriting’ helps students to plan and organise their ideas before they write. It introduces students to the principles of prewriting and the steps to follow, including planning for the purpose, audience, organisation and style of their text before starting to write. It introduces students using a list and outline as ways …More

No. of pages: 1

This graphic organiser, ‘Responding to Texts’ supports the teaching of reading by giving students a template for recording their thoughts and responses as they read.

No. of pages: 1

This graphic organiser, ‘Sequence of Events’ supports the teaching of writing by prompting students to identify the order of events as they plan their writing.

No. of pages: 1

This graphic organiser, ‘Smooth Writing’ prompts students to consider ways to make connections within sentences and paragraphs.

Writing Text
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No. of pages: 2

This quick reference chart ‘What Are Creative and Expository Writing Prompts?’ shows students how best to respond to such prompts. It introduces students to the principles of creative and expository writing and how to consider topic, audience and purpose before they begin to write.

Text Elements
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No. of pages: 2

This quick reference chart ‘What Are Supporting Details?’ helps students to identify the supporting details in a story. It is aimed at introducing students to the principles of deconstructing texts in order to gain a deeper understanding of their purpose.

Text Elements
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No. of pages: 1

This quick reference chart ‘What Are Supporting Details?’ helps students to identify the supporting details in a story. It is aimed at introducing students to the principles of deconstructing texts in order to gain a deeper understanding of their purpose.

Text Elements
Available in:
No. of pages: 1

This quick reference chart ‘What Are Supporting Details?’ helps students to identify the supporting details in a story. It is aimed at introducing students to the principles of deconstructing texts in order to gain a deeper understanding of their purpose.

Text Elements
Available in:
No. of pages: 2

This quick reference chart ‘What Are Supporting Details?’ helps students to identify the supporting details in a story. It is aimed at introducing students to the principles of deconstructing texts in order to gain a deeper understanding of their purpose.

Text Elements
Available in:
No. of pages: 1

This quick reference chart ‘What Are Supporting Details?’ helps students to identify the supporting details in a story. It is aimed at introducing students to the principles of deconstructing texts in order to gain a deeper understanding of their purpose.

Text Elements
Available in:
No. of pages: 2

This quick reference chart ‘What Are Supporting Details?’ helps students to identify the supporting details in a story. It is aimed at introducing students to the principles of deconstructing texts in order to gain a deeper understanding of their purpose.

No. of pages: 1

This graphic organiser, ‘What’s Important?’ supports the teaching of reading and writing by giving students a template for recording ideas and why they are important as they read or plan for writing.

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