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The engaging learning activity, ‘Flying Home’ shows what happens when friends weigh their luggage at the airport for a flight home. Students need to calculate weights, averages, and loads to help the friends reach Tonga. This activity includes comprehensive teaching notes to be read before beginning the activity with students, as they feature useful background …More

Number and Algebra
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No. of pages: 3

In the learning activity ‘Growing Numbers’, students use and compare strategies as they solve word problems that involve addition and subtraction. They are encouraged to compare and share the strategies they use with a classmate as they develop an understanding of the relative benefits of different strategies. An answer sheet is provided and includes accompanying …More

Number and Algebra
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No. of pages: 3

In the learning activity ‘Too Many Beans!’ students use mental or concrete processes to try out different addition and subtraction strategies. They are encouraged to compare and share the strategies they use with a classmate as they develop an understanding of the relative benefits of different strategies. An answer sheet is provided and includes accompanying …More

Number and Algebra
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No. of pages: 4

What’s Best?’ is a learning activity and learning activity that asks students to consider more than one way of solving number problems. Students compare the strategies they use, explaining why some strategies work better than others, depending on the numbers involved. An answer sheet is provided and includes accompanying teaching notes with suggestions for supporting …More

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