Famous South African People
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This history poster ‘JH Pierneef’ features important factual background information about this landscape artist who changed the face of painting in Africa. This is a great resource for broadening students’ knowledge of significant figures from South African history and could be used as a prompt for further discussion or study of art and painting.

South African Landmarks
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This postcard ‘Kwazulu-Natal: Ukhahlamba Drakensberg Park’ features important factual background information on the mountain range that is home to South Africa’s highest peaks. The postcard template encourages students to research the location in order to write creatively about it as though recounting a visit. It is aimed at broadening students’ awareness of the environmental, cultural …More

Writing Prompt
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This fun and engaging worksheet ‘Modern Art or Ancient Art’, uses the popular Would You Rather game as a writing prompt for students to consider which of these two South African art forms they would rather be and why. It is aimed at broadening students’ awareness of the symbols and icons associated with South African …More

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