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In this learning activity, ‘Crossing the Line’, students conduct an experiment known as Buffon’s Needle by dropping a toothpick onto a lined sheet of paper 100 times. Students analyse their results and express the probability of a hit as a simple fraction. An answer sheet is provided and includes teaching notes with suggestions for supporting …More

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In ‘Dylan’s Dominoes’, a domino designer rolls a pair of dice to decide which dots to put on his dominoes. The learning activity asks students to simulate 40 dice rolls, pool their data, and graph and analyse the results. An answer sheet is provided and includes teaching notes with suggestions for supporting learning and further …More

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No. of pages: 2

This learning activity, ‘The Unit Fraction Game’, provides instructions on how to play a dice game that improves fractions skills. Students play the game and then devise a way to test whether the game is fair. An answer sheet is provided and includes teaching notes with suggestions for supporting learning and further exploration.

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