Celebrating National Days
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No. of pages: 2

This worksheet, ‘Asking Questions about Australian Colonisation’ prompts students to create questions using one word from the left column and one word from the top row that can help in discussing and researching the arrival of the First Fleet. This great resource assists students in creating progressively more complex, higher-order questions to prompt critical thinking. …More

History for Kids
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No. of pages: 3

This history article, ‘Australia Un-Federated’ imagines what it would be like if the British colonies of Australia had never joined together to form one nation. It provides factual information about how Australia was formed and is aimed at broadening students’ cultural and historical awareness in a fun and engaging manner.

Celebrating National Days
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No. of pages: 3

This worksheet, ‘Australian Colonisation’ asks students to use a storyboard to visually represent the relationship between sequential events. This resource is particularly useful in prompting exploration of Australian history and requires students to explain the sequence of events using pictures clues provided. Alternatively the students may be given the narration of events without pictures and …More

Celebrating National Days
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No. of pages: 1

This worksheet, ‘Australian Colonisation’ provides students with a scaffold to logically sequence the major events following Captain James Cook’s claim on Australia in 1770. This resource logically segments students’ writing using prompts such as, first, then and finally to demonstrate the importance of chronologically sequencing historical events. The simple structure and can be used in …More

Celebrating National Days
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No. of pages: 1

This worksheet, ‘KWHL of Australian Colonisation’ prompts students to explore what they know about Australian Colonisation, what they want to learn, how they think they could learn about new ideas and what they have learnt following the learning tasks. This is a great, clearly formatted resource to encourage students to take responsibility for their own …More

Celebrating National Days
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No. of pages: 2

This worksheet, ‘Timeline of Australian Colonisation’ provides a vertical timeline with space for students to explore four key events using the dates provided. The timeline spans the period from 1770 to 1901 and includes key dates relating to the history of Australia. This resource allows students to demonstrate their knowledge of the sequence of important …More

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