No. of pages: 1

This graphic organiser, ‘Analysing Characters’ supports the teaching of reading and writing by prompting students to explore how and why a character behaves in a story.

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No. of pages: 2

The amusing learning activity, ‘Going Fishing’ shows a group of fishermen discussing the reasons they haven’t caught many fish. Students study a graph their results and compare them with the reasons the men give for the variations in their catch. Students then make predictions based on the patterns shown in the graphs. An answer sheet …More

Life Science
No. of pages: 1

This life science worksheet, ‘The Butterfly’ supports students to explore the life cycle of a butterfly. It supports an understanding of life cycles.

Life Science
No. of pages: 1

This life science worksheet, ‘The Poppy’ asks students to identify and label a flower’s life cycle. It supports an understanding of life cycles.

Physical Science
No. of pages: 1

This physical science worksheet, ‘Which Colours Get Warm?’ provides students with opportunities to explore the way different colours react to heat.

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