Analysing Text
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No. of pages: 9

This analysing text worksheet ‘Devastating Waves’ supports students to use various strategies to understand a narrative text about tsunamis. It is aimed at encouraging students to deconstruct the text in order to gain a deeper understanding of its purpose, to recall specific details from the text, to look critically at words in order to ascertain …More

Reading Comprehension
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No. of pages: 5

This Reading Comprehension worksheet, ‘Devastating Waves’, features an informational text about tsunamis and discusses three tsunamis that have devastated parts of Alaska. It encourages students to use a variety of strategies to interpret the text and includes questions about drawing a conclusion, vocabulary, cause and effect, detail, comparison/contrast, emotional reaction, and reasoning. The task also …More

Comprehension and Critical Thinking
No. of pages: 4

This reading comprehension activity, ‘The Big Chill’, is available at three different reading levels to allow for differentiated instruction. It asks students to answer comprehension questions on a text about the cold temperatures in Alaska.

Comprehension and Critical Thinking
No. of pages: 5

This reading comprehension activity, ‘The Big Chill’, is available at three different reading levels to allow for differentiated instruction. It asks students to answer comprehension questions on a text about the cold temperatures in Alaska.

Comprehension and Critical Thinking
No. of pages: 4

This reading comprehension activity, ‘The Iditarod’s Top Dogs’, asks students to answer comprehension questions on a text about a dogsled race in Alaska.

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